Will He Choose Me? (One-shot COMPLETED)

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"Josh I didn't know, I-I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean? Normally, you wouldn't kiss someone, someone you do not love Claire" - he responded.

We're here at my condo. Obviously? yeah, we're fighting.

He caught me kissing someone here awhile ago.

I'm 21 years old. He's 22.

We have been together for 3 years. And it's our second anniversary today and I-I ruined it.

Supposedly, we have a scheduled date today but my friend came here and said he had a problem.

His girlfriend just died. And as a friend, I need to comfort him. I thought it would be just 30 minutes and then I'll go but ... the heck. =____=  it took 3 hours comforting him.

I don't know what to do. I have to meet my boyfriend but I can't just leave him behind in that situation.

Then suddenly he kissed me.

I was shocked with my own action because I responded. But why?

Maybe because of pity. I was about to push him away but Josh entered the room.

And there you know the story. Back to reality.

"Josh I can explain, I didn't know-" 

"That explains everything Claire. You always say you didn't know. We are two years together but we didn't even kissed. Then I saw you kissing with that jerk? Sh*t."

He's totally mad.

"Are you mad at me?" - I asked 

"No, I was just mad at what you did. I was disappointed as your boyfriend"

"I was just carried away by his emotion. I swear he's just a friend." - I said

"Claire do you love me?"

Ouch. And now he doubts my love for him. It's my fault. Because I let him kiss me. :""(

"Of course, I do."

"Do you really love me?" - he asked once again

"Josh, you know I love you" - I responded

"Then if I would kiss someone right now, for no reason, will you still love me?"

I was taken aback by what he said. I will be hurt ofcourse. But I will still love him. Yes I will still love him.


"You hesitated.." - he said not looking at me.

"Then are you saying you don't know if you still love me right now?" - tears fell from my eyes

"No, I was just hurt. You have a boyfriend waiting for you, you should've at least thought that before doing something."

I can see he was hurting.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault so I'm sorry" - I said

"Then this is not a good farewell, is it?" - he asked faking a laugh

"What do you mean?"

"I have a flight with my mom two hours from now. Supposedly, I won't come because of you but, I'm sorry, I changed my mind. And I forgot to tell you--" then he took a box from his pocket

I was stunned there.

"Tonight I didn't succeeded in proposing. I'm going, I'm gonna be late" - he smiled bitterly and a tear fell from his eyes

"Josh, please don't go" - I said 

"I will just find myself there" - he said 

"Will you come back?" - I asked 

"Maybe? I don't know. Take are of yourself Claire." - he held my hand and put the small box there. He kissed my forehead and walked away.

For 2 minutes I just stood there. And upon realizing that there is a possibility that I won't be seeing him again. I hurried downstairs and began running to chase him.

I was now in the street and I saw his car from afar.





Will he come back for me? Will he choose me?

Everything was white. What happened? It was as if I'm paralyzed. I closed my eyes and I can hear some voices.

"Please wake up baby.. This is your mom and dad waiting for you."

"You're sleeping for almost five days. The doctor said, you could be awake 2 weeks after, if not, we need to wait for a long time?"

"Hey, Claire, this is Amy your friend. How are you? Everyone's waiting. It has been more than two weeks my dear. How long will you sleep?"

"Claire.. please just give us a sign"

"There is water coming from your eyes Claire. Are you alright there?"

"Dad, will she still wake up?"

"Of course dear. We just have to trust her. I think she's fighting for it."


That voice.

"Claire, will you wake up for me? I come here as often as possible so you wouldn't be alone. We promised that we won't leave each other right? I kept that. I didn't go with my mom. I chose you. I stayed Claire and it's your turn to keep that right? We are all waiting for you"

The voice was becoming clearer and clearer.

"I miss you babe. I love you"

I opened my eyes. And I saw him, I saw him crying.

"I...love..you..too" - I managed to say

I smiled. And I just found myself being hugged by the man I love.

The only difference is he is now 5 years older. And I'm grateful he waited for me that long. I , surely, love this man, Josh :)


Hanixyxy's Note:

nose bleed. -___- waaaaahhh. Haha. Thank you for reading. :)

To those who are confused, the girl was in coma for 5 years, and the guy waited for her that long. Okay? That's why, he is now five years older.

This is my first One shot story at English pa, so I'm sorry for the grammatical errors and spellings. :)

Please leave a comment for your reaction. ^^ I just wanna know. And vote for it if you liked it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

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