Mind Games.

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Sitting here in my arm chair I wonder, what exactly do "normal" people think while doing the "abnormal" stuffs. Well,  you must be wondering why use "abnormal", right? Maybe, you've known the answer to this "enlightening" question for always. The fact is that people tend to care for their loved ones. A lot. Possessive, maybe? Duh. It's there "unconditional-love" (as they call it). So obviously, their loved one has to be "normal" so that they could carry on with their "abnormality" maybe, definitely?
But why go all the way round to create all these distinction for personalities, character? You love us, right? And maybe that's why you try to prove to this "ridiculously-perfect-world" and it's "practically-made-by-you-myths" that we are normal, that I'm normal? But then why hide the "abnormality"? Why not accept it? Ever wondered that this "abnormality" might be the "normality"...?
There is a saying that "the whole world shall stand against you, but your will shall never leave your side".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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