Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

My name is Amanda Clarke, and I'm a sixteen year old slut. See I wasn't always a slut, I was young and innocent, expecting that sex was forbidden until marriage. But..... Maybe, I'm Eve from the forbidden garden destined to reach for the fruit, to feel something other than alone and unwanted. From the day I lost my 'precious' virginity.

 I vowed to be wanted by all men and hated by women. Well some, some I would rather have naked, with my hands on their vagina's hearing countless woman gasp and moan from just the twirl of my fingers. People don't think about the villain, the ex, or even the others back story, they don't ask about the past and I don't offer. You play the hands you been dealt, see I was destined to be a mother's nightmare and a father's curse.

Life being me, seems really simple however it really isn't, when all your friends are friends with benefits and all you either do is try to please everyone. There is bound to be struggles, however i made my bed so I will lye in it, or have sex in it. Whatever I feel like doing that day. What people fail to understand is that I wasn't always this way.

Everyone has a past....

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