Chapter 2

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Barbra does not know how to stop talking. She talked my ear off the entire walk over to my new seats. I didn't really mind much, I was too concentrated on the fact that Niall asked me to come backstage with him AFTER THE CONCERT. It was so surreal, but I was somehow comfortable with him like I'd never felt with a guy before. In my small town, there's not many guys to choose from. I actually dated one guy my whole life, and he broke my heart. Johnny Wells. I'd known him all my life, and when I was 16 he asked me out. We had always been friends, and he's really cute so of course I said yes. We dated for about a year, until on his birthday I went by his barn to surprise him and found my bestfriend Shirley riding him (and not like the way she rides horses either.) I just screamed and threw his phone that was on the hay next to them out the window. I had some choice words for them both and ended up calling Jonny a "two-timing dick" and Shirley a "backstabbing fat whore" before I left. Of course he would pick Shirley, she was a complete slut. We were bestfriends since kindergarten, and by 9th grade she was sleeping around, but I still supported her throughout the years like a true friend, only to get stabbed in the back. She is a typical bleach-blonde cheerleader with big tits. Whatever though, I'm mostly over that. Mostly. But because of that I'm still inexperienced with sex type things. I never went further than 2nd base with Jonny. What if Niall wanted sex?! I couldn't deny that I would say yes honestly. Who wouldn't?! Come on.

Barbra finally got me to my seat. First row of the floor, right in the middle. It was perfect. The girls next to me asked me why I had no-one with me and why I was escorted specially. I just smiled and told them that Niall asked for me to be seated here personally. They both laughed and didn't believe me, and I just told them to wait and see.

The opening act with 5SOS was really great. I think they're pretty cool, I just never got very fangirly about them. But at one point the hot blonde one looked down at me and then said that "the girl in the white shirt and skirt was really attractive." The girls next to me nearly passed out from disbelief. But I was far beyond ever being shocked again after today, I was on cloud nine. Soon the act was over and One Direction finally came out. I could barely hear anything besides high pitched screaming behind me. Normally, I would've screamed too, but hey been there, met that. The first few songs were fantastic of course. All the boys waved at me and then at one point Harry started joking with Niall on stage telling him, "hey look Niall it's your little girl crush Georgia in the front in the white shirt!" Niall just laughed and told him to stop and the girls around me went major-bitch-jealous and I thought it was a riot. After the concert was over, Niall came to the front of the stage. Girls were SCREAMING around me but then he just signaled for the guard to let me come up there with him. The girls around me were so jealous and were screaming to let them come up too. Niall laughed some more and the guard let me through. I looked up and realized I couldn't jump onto the stage because of the fact that I'm 5'3". Niall again, thought it was hilarious, and started laughing again. GOD his laugh made me wanna cry again. He reached his arm down and helped me up on stage. He then held my hand and took me off the stage back to backstage. The other boys were there too, all shirtless and sweaty. I could see as I was walking up that it was just the boys in the room and Louis and Harry were full on making out.

"UHM HI LADS." Niall cleared his throat as we got closer.

Louis jumped off Harry and they both went beet red. I started to giggle and finally got up the courage to say, "It's okay boys, I've always believed in Larry so no big shocker there."

Liam seemed to find that absolutely hilarious for some reason and he started to laugh really hard.

"Liam what's your problem?" Zayn teased.

"Zayn I told you this girl was different! I love it! Most fans would cry of sadness or be absolutely shocked seeing Haz and Lou snog like that, and she sees it as commonplace like we do." Liam explained as he stopped laughing so hard.

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