
3 2 1

I open my eyes slowly to adjust to the lighting.
Where am I? I thought.
I slowly try to move but a weight holds me down. I turn my head to see him on top of me. Now i remember what happen last nite.
Why do I let him do this to me? Why do I keep coming back?
I push him gently off me not trying to wake him. I get him off me and I slide out of the bed ignoring the pain in my legs. I make my way to his bathroom. I look in the mirror at my face and starts crying hard. Ugh I'm so stupid why did I do this!

I use the bathroom and rush to grab  my clothes . I was half way through putting my clothes on and I hear him say "Where are you going?" he says yawning.
"This wasnt supposed to happen" I say moving closer towards the door. I hear him get out the bed and instantly I feel my heart beat faster.

The closer he came the more my cheeks grew hotter.

"Why do you leave like this?" he says standing in front of me. I couldnt form words because I have a lump in my throat. A tear escapes my eye.
He raises his hand and I  flinch as he gently rubs the tear away.
I feel in me that weird feeling Ive felt only with him. Ive never felt this before. I push him back and run out of the door of his room down the stairs of his apartment and toward the street not looking back once.
Why does this happen with him Im not supposed to feel this way.

Why does he try I've told him plenty of times.

I dont need this but I want this
I dont need him but I want him
   I dont want what he is giving up. But I want it so bad.

But most importantly.....

I dont need love

Do I?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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