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I twisted my hair into a ponytail, tucking it under my cap and lowering the brim. Then I took  a final look around the room full of strangers, wondering which of them would help me escape, and which would try to kill me. I could barely see a foot in front of me clouds of smoke had my choking on the air. The music was loud i could almost feel it vibrating through my body. I fumbled opening my bag, my feeble fingers searched the pockets until they touched a familiar piece of paper. I pulled it out focusing of the travertine stone it was roughly elliptical in shape, with its long axis, oriented WSW-ESE. The image was clear in my head a rush of Adrenalin went throw me like a volt of electricity. I fell onto the ground my heart a thousand miles and hour, i tucked the photo into my pocket. The stone walls were cold against the tips of my fingers, I had jumped here many times before sometimes just to think and clear my head others i was running for my life. The Colosseum seemed to be peaceful although back in 80AD the Colosseum could hold about 50,000 spectators for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles hardly ever silent.The Colosseum was built in the centre of Rome; the heart of Rome. Although the walls ruined by earthquakes, stone robbers and the damage it suffered over the centuries but it still remained as beautiful as it was back in 80AD. Different species of plants grew inside the Colosseum over the changes in seasons some lingered on while other died off leaving room for a new plant. The romans decided that the vegetation was ruining the structure, they tried to rid of them but only the weak plants surrended. I looked up, green plants that  grew on the insides of the wall surrounded by more green and more green. I felt my body shift, i was standing in front of the entrance a gush of wind blew the hat off my head floating to the ground. The cold heavy lock was in my hands i yanked it a couple of times but it didn't budge. I ran over to the stone pillar to my left i fell to my knees and dug, dirt collected under my nails. I remembered burring the key here. I had made a small hole in the ground, a gasp of excitement came from my throat as i clenched the brass key in my hands. I stood on the side of the newly tarred road cars slowly passing by snapping away with their cameras. A man about in his early thirty's got out of his car taking a closer step towards the Colosseum. I walked up to the silver Mazda the engine humming away, I looked around nervously and slid myself into the cream leather seats. I put my foot onto the clutch and changed the gear into drive, I  closed the car door maybe a little to loud. He turned around his mouth gaped open, i put my foot on the accelerator . The car took off down the street,  i turned at the next set of traffic lights eager to get as far away from the colosseum as i could and fast.

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