Chapter2:The virus

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"Ok...a...Mr..-""Cody""a..yes..Mr.Cody, I'll be giving you an anti-bacterial medicine for your infection."I said to my patient."Will this hurt me?"He asked with a scared voice."No, It most certainly won't" I reassured him.

Then a couple hours later he called me,"Hello?....Um...I'm having trouble breathing doc.I'm also having craving for things and can't think right away."He said."Ok, Come into my office tomorrow and we'll have a look."I said back to 'em.

Later that night lights were going out, people screaming, and people growling. Police rushed to the scene as their sirens go off."Go, Shoot 'em" yelled one officer as gunshots went off. Ryan about ten minutes later came through my door with a gun and blood all over his hands."What's happening?"He asked while trying to stay calm."I..I don't know what's happening!"I said nervously."There's a dead guy lying in the street!" Two minutes later one of them got into the house."Go, Kill it, NOW!!"(Gunshots)As the gunshots went off blood spat out from the body everywhere."Ok, we gotta get outta here!"

"Dude, You're right. Ok, let's go."I and Ryan both went out after we grabbed our guns and our jeep and left the city,

When we got outta the city some guy stopped us and said "What're you two doing here?" we're getting away from the zombies!"Ryan replied."Mind if I join?" he asked."sure, why not?" so we rode in silence till he said "my names James","Hey, I'm Ryan, and this is Matthew, We're from Michigan."After we introduce our selves we looked out for a place to rest, or to eat. A few hours later we found a motel called "The food and sleep".So we pulled.It looked like nothing hit this place yet. But just to be sure we set up a plan for shifts."Ok, I'll take the first 3 hours, James you take second 3, And Ryan you'll take the last three."(James and Ryan)"Ok.".As nightfall started to rise nothing happened, But during my shift, the lady from next door broke through her windows got up and ate a guy from the parking lot. Gunshots went off me and James woke up"Dude, What the hells wrong with you?"I screamed at him."Nothing, but the next door lady just ate a guy in the parking lot!."He said."Ok, We should leave now."Daouda said. So at around 5:30 am we left and headed further up the road."We should go to Niagra Falls!"Ryan said."Why?"James asked."Because I heard about there being a guy who could cure anything he even cured cancer, Well only for himself."He said."Well then it's settled, We're going to Niagra fall."James replied."Ok, One question. How are we going to get through the city, It'll be total hell there?!"I said. So we turned around the car. A few hours later we got back to the city and we robbed the gun store And went on our Mary way. When we finally got there James said "O.k, So now here, All we gotta do is find 'em.",So now that we were here, We needed to find the guy who might be able to help us." O.k., Where do try looking first?" Adam asked." We should look at where his lab is!"Ryan said. So we looked And looked then finally found the lab. We went inside, and didn't find him, But did find some clues to where he might be. 

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