But Nobody Came

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"You really are an Idiot Frisk!" The boy yelled as he threw more punches at the poor child. Frisk dodged the attacks, tears flowing down their face.

"P-please s-stop! I-I don't want to f-fight!" Frisk pleaded but to no avail. The boy pushed them down hard.

"You Crybaby!" The bully continued to hurt the poor child. Each hit more painful than the last, laughing as he pinned Frisk down.

He leaned in, "Did you really think... You could stop me!? You are hopeless! Hopeless and alone..."

Frisk tried to wriggle free but it was no use. He was stronger. Frisk began to cry harder.

The boy smiled at this.

"Call for help. I dare you." He let the child go, standing up over them. Frisk, too afraid to move. The boy laughed. "Mommy! Daddy! Somebody help! See what good it does you!"

Frisk cried, calling for help... but... nobody came.

"Boy! What a shame!" He pulled Frisk up to their feet. placing an arm around the weeping child. As if to comfort them. "How does it feel to have no one love you? No really, what is it like?"

Frisk buried their face in their hands. shoulders shaking

"Oh! Silly me, I forgot. Poor Frisk doesn't have any parents. They abandoned you here didn't they?" The boy pointed to the building behind them. an old orphanage with cracked windows and old blinds. The workers their were nice enough - as long as they weren't having a bad day.

"Even as a baby they knew how worthless you would be. How pathetic. I wouldn't blame them though... Who would want a mistake?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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