5)The Party

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Shawn p.o.v.

The words Rearview mountain shock me. It was the same place Ms. Reyes said, before she left. What did she want me to know and what is dangerous about it.

There's a hand on my shoulder and I look at who it is. It's Taylor looking at me with a worried face. "What's wrong," he asks.

I shake my head at him. "Nothing," I say softly. He doesn't look convince, but doesn't push.

"Guys I think we might have a problem," Brent says aloud. We all groan at that comment. Can't we have a day in peace.

"What now," Ashton asks him.

Brent turns and looks over at the door. "I sense 4 mutants walking towards our direction. One girl and three boys."

"What are their powers," I ask him.

"The girl has a powerful super scream, one of the guys can create strong spikes, another has super stretch, and the last has the power to turn rock, cement, and stuff like that, into magma and manipulate it," Brent answers.

The doorbell then rings and some of us jump at the noise. I stand up, not feeling as woozy as before and walk to the door first. Taylor walks behind me, telling me that he should go first, but I don't listen. I walk to the front of the house and check the through the peep hole. There is a girl in brown hair and blue eyes and a blonde boy with green eyes waiting for us.

I turn to look at Taylor. "Tell Lele she might need to make it summer for an emergency escape," I whisper to him.

He shakes his head at me. "First, I don't know who that is, and second I'm not leaving you alone. You're still recovering," he tells me. He then leans down and gives me a soft sweet kiss on my lips. When he does, I feel a small surge of energy go through my whole body.

When he moves away, the energy is still flowing through my system and I feel oddly energized. "Taylor I'll be fine," I say to him. "Besides Cam is fast enough to grab me before anything happens." He doesn't seem to want to go, but when I give him a stern look, he walks back to the others.

I turn back to the door and get myself ready for these people. I take a deep breath and try to relax. If two of them are here, then the other two are hiding. I have to prepare for a surprise attack. I slowly open the door and look over at the two people. "Hello? How can I help you," I ask.

The guy looks me up and down before talking. "You're it," he asks. The girl smacks him on his shoulder and he winces. "I mean you're it," he says with fake excitement.

"Yeah I'm it, and you are," I ask.

The girl steps closer this time. She flips her hair back and smiles at me. "What he means is nice to meet you," she greets with her hand out.

I grab her hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you too. And you guys are...?"

"I'm Amanda, but you can call me Many. This guy next to me is Cade," the girl introduces.

"Hi, I'm...Leo," I introduce with a fake name. I'm not sure if these people are friend or foe yet, so it's safe to lie to them.

She seems to buy it and smiles over at me. "Well Leo we wanted to invite you and your friends to a...party." She hands me an invitation card. "Hope you guys can make it." She grabs Cade's hand and the two of them walk away.

I close the door and walk back to everyone. They were all quiet when I walk in, except for Tristen who was showing Lia how he can crush a rock with his bare hands. The rest all look over at me. I'm guessing they're waiting for me to talk about what happened. I hand them the invitation and tell them about the party.

(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The Private Party(shaylor) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now