Hello every one.. I am ashi. You all must be knowing me.
Well, this is my stories fan write book.
And I am glad to know that you guys are taking part in it.Soon! I will be posting the stories which u guys have sent me.
Litlle heads up.
If anyone new who have never read my work. Can go to my page and read it.
And who wants to participate in this.
Can always do. And msg me.Also, the note again.
You guys can send me your story.
Which u can make based on my story.
Just a one shot.Taking anyone's p.o.v.
Be it manik nandini.
Cabir Alya mukti dhurv
Abhi navya.Your wish
Make sure you stick to the characters and their look. When u write it.
You can write it on any incidents.
Be it when they were in college or when they were married. Or after ayaan anything u want.To show there side of story.
and k will be posting them over here.
I will tell u guys where to send me the story.
If you guys want.

One Shots: MANAN- A Tale unheard
FanfictionWelcome to One shots of MANAN: A tale unheard. You will be able to find and read the actual story on my wall. This book is all about one shots based of the same story. Future & past. I hope you enjoy.