▪Silence Is Violent▪

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♡Dani's Pov♡

We had Josh text Gabe that we were leaving and he said the he would tell his mom to pick him up.

This is the worst day of my life. Next to the time that my dad passed away. It was a tragedy.

So we all went back to my house and just started talking about what we were going to do now.

"Im really sorry Dani" Sean said

"You know what Im just going to let it go and forget all about him." I said

"Good, he doesnt deserve you anyway." Will said

"Thanks" I said

Hours passed and for the passed few hours we were eating pizza we ordered while just talking about random things.

It was now 10:45 and we decided to sleep on the couches tonight so we brought blankets and pillows down stairs and fell asleep.

I guess everyone else thought I was sleeping but I wasnt. My mind was focused on Gabe. I dont know why. I really wanted to forget about him like I said but i couldnt.

Then Gabe texted me, I didnt bother read it, but I did put my phone on silence. But then again what good am I going to get out of it by being silent.

Sometimes silence isnt a good thing.

Maybe silence is violent.

I really want you guys to read these quotes cause they can give you a meaning to life and help you when you down or depressed cause right now im more depressed than ill ever be.
Qotc (Quote of the chapter): The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.

The first 10 years of a girls life is spent playing with Barbies while the next 10 years is spent on trying to look like one.

Me right now: "Im not brave anymore. Im broken. Theyve broken me."
"I miss the old, happy me"

I hope you guys really enjoy this new chapter! Im dealing with alot of things right now, but im posting this for your guys happiness, mine just doesnt matter anymore. Youre happiness is what makes me feel better.

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