A Dream

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Raph's POV

"Come at me Shredder unless your to chicken to face me!" I yelled into the darkness.

As the shadowy figure came closer i started to wonder and then I realized that's not the Shedder. "Wait no it can't be this is just a joke right where are you guys stop pranking me it's not funny anymore!" I yelled soon realizing who it was. It was Leo.

"No Leo it can't be you right you wouldn't hurt me you would never hurt family Leo you protect it!" I yelled "But you see Rapheal you were never family and you will never be!" He snickered at me with the evilest grin on his face.

"No Leo would never say something like that your not the real Leo!"

"Oh is that so?"

"Give me back Leo you stupid imposter!"

"You want him huh? Well you can have him!"

At that moment the Leo imposter split in half and I saw Leo the real one trapped inside.


Then Leo was enclosed by once again the imposter and when he was fully trapped he looked down for a second and then looked at me with black eyes as dark as night.

Narrator's POV

Leonardo's imposter ran towards Rapheal with both swords in his grip almost hitting Rapheal, but thankfully Rapheal was able to move in time. He took out both sais and ran towards Leonardo, but he tucked and rolled when he saw that Leo was about to hit him.

He now had the advantage so took it. He kicked Leonardo in the back and caused him to fall flat on his stomach.

Rapheal then took the chance to tie up Leonardo a hopefully get the old Leo back.

"Come on Leo ya ain't gunna leave that easy are ya?!" Leonardo didn't move nor did he speak he just sat there tied up to a poll. Raph then turned away and side already feeling guilt for what happened yo his brother.


Rapheal immediately turned his head and noticed that the imposter Leo was pealing apart and the old Leo was coming out.

"Leo LEO o thank goodness I thought I had lost you to that freaky thing."

Rapheal hugged Leo and was thankful to have his big brother back and in his arms.

"How are you feeling?"

" wel-"

"Are you okay?!"


"Do you feel dizzy?"


"Do you feel sick?"


"Do you want me to call Donnie?"


"I can call him I have him on speed di-"

"RAPHEAL! I'm fine I feel okay great even now that I'm...here...wi- never mind"

"Are you sure"

Leo nodded and Raph decided to trust him and take his word. He helped Leo unchain him self and helped him up.

"I'm glad your okay." "You and me both."

"Let's go home." Raph gently smiled at Leo and Leo giggled and nodded. He grabbed Raph's hand once they started walking. Raph froze a bit but let it go this time since his brother almost died by this weird flesh eating monster.

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