Chapter 13

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I woke up at 8 am on 2nd day of January. It was really cold in my room even though I turned off the air conditioner. So anyway, when I opened my eyes, all I could see was Karry packing his bags.

"Hey, what are you doin', Xiaokai?" I asked.
"Oh, hey. I don't know if you're already awake, (y/n)," he said as he continued packing his bags, " as you can see, I'm going to Chongqing this morning."
"WHAT? Seriously?" I gasped, "Wh.. why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"My manager just told me that news an hour ago."
"Oh, I see. But what news?"
"There's an event today in our school and I was asked to perform a song. And, btw, my flight leaves at 10 am, so I must hurry."
"OK, but don't be gone too long, Xiaokai. Jackson, Roy and l will surely feel lonely here without you."

Then he looked at me, then smiled bigly, as if he had a brilliant idea.

"Why don't you go with me then? 'Cause I don't like to go by myself, besides I know you'll be the one who really feel lonely, not Jackson and Roy," he said as he raising his eyebrows and smiled.

I blushed right then but I just said: "Um..."

"OK, you have to get ready and pack your bags now. We have to be in the airport at 9 am," he said as he bringing me my towel.
"But I have to make breakfast for Jackson and Roy."
"No no, I already bought them some pizza."
"It's OK, everything's gonna be fine. Now, you better take a shower first. I'll help you to pack your stuffs."

I nodded. Then, I took a shower and changed my clothes. It took 15 minutes and it was my record, yeay!

Without Jackson and Roy's knowing, Karry and I went to the airport (+his manager, too). We brought the pizza so we ate it on our way to the airport. I texted Jackson and Roy but they hadn't read it yet at that time.

I was actually felt bad for them, they had to stay in Beijing because they're still shooting for their scenes.

Anyways, when it was 9 am, we arrived. But there was something important that we were TOTALLY forgot. I hadn't buy the ticket yet!

Luckily, Karry bought my ticket 'cause I didn't bring enough money hehe. After an hour waiting, we finally got into the plane.

To get to Chongqing, it took 5 hours. So I watched the movie, and then slept, and then watched a movie again, and then slept again for seemed like forever. When I woke up, I saw Karry's hand was holding mine while he was falling asleep at my shoulder. He was still as sweet as the old Xiaokai.


Finally, 5 hours later, we arrived in Chongqing! After we landed, we had to go to our school immediately because the event began 11.30 am.

When we entered 'Chongqing No.8 Secondary School' (my school's name fyi), we went to the event's location. I sat on the guests' seat with Karry's manager, while Karry was preparing for his performance. He sang 宠爱 and 样Young, TFBOYS' songs. My favorite songs, yeay!

When it was his turn to perform, I recorded a video of him. I really enjoyed his performance because his voice was so clear. And I had no idea about how he could sing after a flight? If I were him, I would totally ruined the performance! Hey, I know, I know, my voice is bad. I admit it.

Anyway, when Karry was done, all the guests gave applauses then Karry went to the backstage. So his manager and I went to the backstage too.

But something happened. Something irritating and really made me super curious. You know what?

He was with a girl with a ponytail there. But they were very close, just like a couple! I didn't know exactly what I was feeling right then, but it just made me think that she might be have a crush on him. But he never looked at someone like that, even with me!

Why did you change, Xiaokai?


(y/n) felt like Karry cheated on her by seeing him with another girl who was very very close with him. So she ran away and cried. Meanwhile Karry's manager was trying to call Karry to tell him that (y/n) was running away from there.

"Karry, (y/n)'s going from here," said Karry's manager.
"WHAT? Why?" Karry asked with a panic face.
"I don't know, she's crying for no reason."
"What?! Crying?!" Karry said even more panic, "OK, tell me, where is she?"
"She went out from that door if I'm not mistaken."

Karry ran from there immediately to go after (y/n). When he found (y/n) crying while she was crossing the road, he saw (y/n) walking without seeing a car was getting closer to her.


A car just hit her. Karry was very shocked and walked to her. She fainted. Karry quickly called his manager to call an ambulance.


(y/n) was taken to the hospital. While the doctor was checking her, Karry sat on the outside and texted Jackson and Roy.

Not so long, the doctor came out.

"So, how's her, doctor?" Karry asked.
"She's fine actually, but she needs to stay here for 3 days," said the doctor.
"Oh, thank God!" Karry said.
"Well, she has a low blood."
"What?! Low blood?"
"Yeah, we need to do a transfusion first."
"OK, thank you very much, doctor."
"No problem. By the way, you can go inside now."

Then Karry's phone rang.

It was Jackson. There was Roy too. They said that they were EXTREMELY shocked after Karry texted them and they took a flight at 7 pm immediately. Karry thanked them for coming, but they just said: "Hey, that's what friends are for."

Karry finally smiled.


At 12 pm, Jackson and Roy arrived at Chongqing. When they arrived at the hospital that Karry had told them, they saw Karry was still up there. Karry's face looked very sleepy.

"Hey, bro. I thought you're already sleeping," Roy said.
"No, I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about her," Karry said
"By the way, what happened?" Jackson asked.

Karry told them all the chronology of what had happened that day.

"Maybe, she was jealous because of the fact that you're too close with that girl," Jackson said to Karry.
"You think so?" Karry asked.
"Exactly," Roy said.

After that, Jackson and Roy slept because they were very tired after the flight. But Karry was still up. So he decided to texted (y/n)'s parents.

Their parents was so shocked indeed. But then he said to them that what (y/n) had seen wasn't real, he and the strange girl was just a close friend. So her parents understood and decided to go there.

After they arrived, they all stayed there. Besides, the room was a VIP room.

to be continued...


Hey guys!!

I'm back again!!

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