My Adonis

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Spencer's POV

It's been three years since I was sent away to boarding school, and my parents finally agreed to let me come back for my senior year after a lot of begging. You'd think my parents literally sent me away to boarding school because I was bad or something, but they didn't. It was my idea to go to boarding school because I've always wanted to experience it. When I was younger, watching Zoey 101 on nickelodeon PCA seemed like the perfect environment. So my best friend Kaden and I decided to convince our parents to send us to a boarding school abroad. Kaden and I have been best friends since our diaper days. He is 3 days older than me, but he treats me like I'm his little sister. Our mothers, being the alpha and beta female are best friends and they spend a lot of time together, so Kaden and I's relationship just kinda grew from there.

It took a lot of convincing especially for Kaden because his dad was the beta and he would have to take over when his dad steps down so he was gonna need to train. In the end, we got our way. Boarding school wasn't really all it was cranked up to be, but it was fun nonetheless. Kaden and I made the best of it. He was the schools notorious playboy, and I wasn't really head cheerleader or anything, but I was THAT girl, the one everyone wanted to be, the one every guy wants to hook up with, and the one people love to hate. I had everything, beauty, brains, class, athleticism, even wealth. But I never let it get to my head, I'm pretty down to earth. You would think I was a bitch by the way I carried myself, but I'm actually the opposite. I'm a very genuine and selfless person but only a few people have taken the time to get to know me, and those were the people I considered my friends.

Kaden and I were sad to leave, but excited to go back to America. We both haven't seen our families in 3 years, yea we skyped everyday and talked on the phone but it's just not the same as physically seeing them and touching them after so long. After we boarded our private jet, we took our seats, got some refreshments, buckled up and got ready for the long flight home. I wouldn't say we were filthy rich, but we were privileged. I was the Alpha's daughter and Kaden being the Beta's son we were quite high up on the social ladder.

Once our plane landed, Kaden and I were ecstatic. I was ready to see my family. Stepping on the runway, I see mine and Kaden's parents waiting for us. I ran up to my dad and was engulfed in a big bear hug. My dad is 300 pounds of pure muscle, towering at 6 ft 6, caramel skin, short black hair, and hazel eyes that I inherited. Although he looked like a macho man, my dad was a big softie. Yes, I'm a daddies girl. While he held on to me like I was going to disappear any minute, he kept telling me how much he missed me and how much he loved me and I did the same. Looking over to his right, I see my mom with tear stained cheeks, smiling at me and I let go of my dad and embraced her. I loved my mom, she's an epitome of a queen. She's exactly what I want to be when I grow up. Classy, sophisticated, soft spoken, selfless, generous and an all round beautiful woman. My mom was 5ft 7, long light brown hair, naturally tan skin tone and piercing blue eyes. She was beautiful. My mother and I are really close, I tell her any and everything and she doesn't judge me for it.

We all got into the stretch hummer waiting for us and started our way back to the pack house.

"So how was your flight?" Kaden's dad Chris asked us.

"It was okay, we slept the whole way through" Kaden replied.

"When we get home, we have a surprise for you guys" Chris said, sharing a knowing smile with my dad.

"What is it?" Kaden and I asked simultaneously. I was literally bouncing up and down in my seat.

"You'll just have to wait and see." My dad replied.

I tried to pull off the cutest pouty face I could muster up and our parents burst out laughing when they looked at me.

"Spencer, that didn't work when you were five, and it's definitely not gonna work at eighteen" my dad said.

"Ugh! Fine." I said "I guess we don't have a choice but to wait" I told Kaden while sulking in my seat.

Chris ruffled my hair still laughing at me.

"Yea yea laugh it up" I mumbled just as we pulled up to our driveway.

The alpha and the beta lived in the same house, well it's more like a mansion. Alpha lived on the west wing and the beta lived on the east wing of the house.

After we get out the car, the driver opens the garage to park the car and I spot two beautiful cars in the garage with red bows on them. One was a matte black on black Bugatti Veyron and the other was a black and gold Maserati Mc12. Kaden and I looked back at our parents with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"Are these ours?" We asked at the same time and our parents nodded.

"Oh my God I love you guys!" I exclaimed hugging mine and Kaden's parents.

"Thank you so much" Kaden said to our parents while yelling "Spencer I call the Maserati!"

"That's fine, the Bugatti is more my style anyway." I stated while running my hand on the car admiring it.

"We got it for you guys because as you already know school starts Monday, don't worry we made sure you had all the same classes together but we wanted to make sure you had a means of transportation to get to school and back" Chris told us.

Kaden and I said our thank you's and goodnight and went to bed because we were both jet lagged. We slept through the night and pretty much the whole day on Sunday. At around 5 in the evening we both decided to go to the mall and buy some things for school tomorrow. We took Kaden's Maserati since he insisted on driving. We asked our parents for directions to the mall and we were on our way. Kaden and I have a few things in common, and one of those are fashion. We love clothes, especially shoes. So you can already imagine how much we shop. I stopped by Victoria's secret to get some lotion and body mists but of course I got sidetracked when I saw the cute lingerie's and bras and panty sets they had and I just had to get some. Of course Kaden being the flirt he is was flirting with the cashier and she was giggling like an idiot telling him he had an English accent. Since we spent a few years in England we kind of have a slight English accent mixed with our American accent. Anyways as usual the cashier gave him her number and apparently she was going to the same school as us.

"See you guys tomorrow." She yelled after us while we left the store.

"I'm gonna get her." Kaden said while we made our way over to the car.

"Shut up Kaden, we both know you just want her to give you a blow job and then you throw her to the side" I said.

"Exactly! That's all I want" Kaden said while putting our bags in the back seat "I don't wanna fuck her, you know the deal spencer only person we agreed to ever have sex with is our mate." He said.

Yes, you heard right. The notorious playboy Kaden Ross is a virgin. So am I. We are saving ourselves for our mates.

Waking up the next morning for school was hard. I don't think anyone ever really gets used to waking up every morning for school. I'm not a morning person at all. I got out of bed and went into my bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After I was done, I dressed up in high waisted leather pants and a black crop top with my black Jeffery Campbell shoes. I made some breakfast for Kaden and I, we ate and we got in our separate card and made our way to school. We parked right next to each other in the school parking lot and made our way towards the entrance. Walking into the school, all eyes were on us. I could already tell this wasn't an all werewolf school like our boarding school in England. This school had both humans and werewolves. We walked up to the counselors suite for our schedules and we were greeted by the receptionist who was shamelessly flirting with Kaden.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked completely ignoring me and pushing her boobs out. I didn't care, I just wanted my schedule.

"I'm Kaden Ross and this is Spencer King we're new students so we came to get our schedules." He told her while ignoring her lame attempts at flirting.

"Oh! Of course." She said "I'll print them out for you along with a school map" she said smiling at him. She was actually really pretty but she had lipstick on her teeth and I don't think she realized that because she was smiling really wide and she looked kind of ridiculous with pink lipstick smeared on her teeth.

She handed us our schedules and we made our way to our first period class. When we walked in everyone stopped whatever they were doing and stared. I walked up to the teacher and introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm Spencer and this is Kaden." I told him

"Hello, my name is Mr. Evans, I'll be your psychology teacher this year, you can have the two empty seats at the back of the class." He told us after handing us the syllabus.

We walked to the back of the class and I heard Kaden chuckle beside me. I looked at him and he gave me a knowing look. He was chucking because of the hushed comments from the students around us like "wow who's the hot new girl?" "I want her" "I call dibs on the new guy" "did you see the cars they drove into the parking lot this morning?" It was funny. Of course pack members already knew who we were, but the humans didn't. The day went on pretty much the same way until we got to lunch. I was sitting on a lounge chair waiting on Kaden to get us our food when a guy walked up, sat beside me and introduced himself to me.

"I'm Devin, but everyone calls me Dev" he said smiling cockily "I'm the resident bad boy and football captain"

"Not for long" I thought because since Kaden is here, he's gonna hold that title pretty soon.

I don't like cocky people so that right there was already a turn off. But I was still polite with him.

"I'm spencer, nice to meet you" I stretched out my hand to shake his and he kissed the back of my hand. I quickly slid my hand away from his grasp. "Excuse me a minute please" I said because I was uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me.

"I love your accent, are you British?" He asked while I stood up grabbing my things "Damn you have a nice ass" he said an smacked my ass. Now that pissed me off. I turned around and slapped him but I didn't use my werewolf strength because he was human and that would've really done some damage. "Bitch!" He yelled out stalking after me like a predator.

He raised his hand to hit me back, but before he could a fist collided with his jaw. It was Kaden. Kaden knocked him to the ground, got on top of him and went to work punching his face. A lot of teachers rushed up pulling Kaden away and we were sent to the principals office while Devin was sent to the nurse. Kaden went into the principals office first, when he came out, he looked relieved.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"He let me off with a warning after I told him that guy was gonna hit you, he actually commended me." Kaden said "He's pretty cool, but are you ok?" He asked me.

"Am I? I should be asking you that, but you look fine, no bruises or anything?" I asked looking him over.

"Nope not a scratch." He assured me. "Get in there, he's waiting to hear your side of the story"

"Okay, see you in a bit." Before I walked into the office, I hugged him and said "Thanks Kaden"

"No problem Spence, love you" he said

"Love you too" I replied.

While I walked towards the principals office door, twisted the knob and pushed the door open, I was hit with the most intoxicating smell ever, Lavender and polo #4 cologne and my wolf went absolutely insane howling in my head in victory.I was too busy basking in the scent that I didn't take notice of the Adonis sitting behind the desk lustily staring at me. He cleared his throat and caught my attention.

"You must be Spencer, I'm your principal Mr. Drake." He said in a husky tone as he rose up from his seat and stretched his arm out for me to take. I felt shivers run down my spine when he said my name. "I already heard Kaden's side of the story, now I would like to hear yours" he said while tugging on his tie and trying to look at anything but me.

I sniffed the air again. He was human, that I was sure of. But he was one beautiful human. Standing tall at 6ft 6, midnight black hair, chiseled jaw, piercing green eyes and very muscular build. If I was in wolf form, I would be drooling right now.

"Hello Mr. Drake" I said stretching my arm out to shake him.

He shifted uncomfortably trying but failing to hide the obvious bulge in his pants and I caught myself wide eyed for a quick second staring at it. That bulge was absolutely not little, which made me blush and I saw a hint of a smile on his face when he noticed my blush. Still, I smiled victoriously on the inside, happy that I had that kind of effect on him. Once our fingers touched, I felt a very pleasurable surge of electricity flow through me, and my wolf that was already going crazy went absolutely insane. I just knew I was gonna have a headache after this.

"Mate" she managed to whisper in the midst of all her craziness and I froze.

Mate? Seriously? My principal is my mate? Not only is he human but he's my principal also. This is gonna be interesting.

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