Meeting his family

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Spencer's POV

The Christmas carnival was coming up in two weeks and to say Donavan wasn't happy would be an understatement. Anytime the teacher would try to discuss anything about it with me, Donavan would find a random reason to pull me or the teacher out of the class. It was quite comical.

We are currently at his house watching Korean shows on Netflix when his phone rung and he left the room to take it. When he came back, I could tell he wasn't in a good mood.

I got on top of his lap and straddled him, placing a light kiss on his lips.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked running my fingers through his hair.

"Nothing, my family's been bugging me about coming back for my cousins wedding." he replied sighing.

"I'm still yet to see the problem." I said looking at him weirdly "Do you not like your cousin?"

"No no, he's cool. It's my mother I don't feel like seeing. She makes it her mission to set me up on a date or find me a suitable wife whenever I visit home." he said shuddering like he was reliving the moment.

I could feel the rage boiling inside me but I tried to hold it at bay to prevent scaring Donavan.

"I know you're mad." he whispered pecking my lips.

"I'm not mad." I said through clenched teeth.

"Your eyes are flickering Brooke, you're angry" he said running his thumb underneath my eyes.

"Does she know about me? Your mom I mean." I asked voicing out my thoughts.

He simply nodded but he looked uncomfortable.

"She's not happy with your age, she thinks you're a gold digger trying to get your hands on my money." he said shrugging.

Now that lightened up the mood and I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughs.

"But my family has more money than yours, we just don't flaunt it like yours does." I said in between laughs.

"She doesn't know that and I didn't bother telling her. You should go to the wedding with me." he said chuckling.

"I just might. I can't wait to meet your mother." I said getting up and going into the kitchen to make us some lunch.

I was at the sink, washing my hands when I felt Donavan come up behind me and press his rock hard member against my ass.

He bent me over, since I was only dressed in a large shirt with no panties, it was easy for him to do whatever he wanted.

Before I had the tome to react to anything, he was already pushing his member into my awaiting pussy.

He tugged on my hair, continuously pounding himself into me. After almost an hour, we both reached our climax.

Lunch was forgotten a I took in the state of the kitchen. There were broken plates and cups, pots scattered all over the floor. I noticed the chocolate syrup smeared all over the counters and smiled as I relived the moment where Donavan licked the syrup of my body.

Kitchen sex although unsanitary, is the best sex.

Two days later, we were on a plane to Arizona. I didn't think I was going to be this nervous, the closer we got to his home the more anxious I became.

"Relax baby." Donavan whispered into my ear, pulling me against him.

The body contact alone did more than relax me, it turned me on and I had to move away from him before I jumped him.

Pulling up into the grande extravagant house, I couldn't help but gawk at the mansion in front of me. The place looked amazing. I thought Donavan's house was nice, but it was nothing compared to this.

"Everyone's in the garden for lunch Mr. Drake." The driver informed us.

Donavan took my hand in his and led me in the direction of where I suppose was the garden.

"Donavan!" I heard a loud chirpy voice scream.

I watched as a little girl about 5 or 6 ran up to him and he immediately pulled her into his arms.

"Hey princess, you look beautiful." He praised spinning her around.

They immediately got consumed in their conversation that I don't even think they noticed I was there.

"Who's she?" the little girl I now know as Gigi asked.

Donavan smiled up at me before putting a possessive arm around my waist. He turned to his family who were al looking at him and I with curious stares.

"This is Spencer, my girlfriend." he said smiling at me.

"She's hot." I heard a brown haired blue eyed teenager whisper but he wasn't discreet enough because everyone turned towards him an yelled at the same time "shut the hell up Robbie."

I see where Donavan gets his crudeness from.

Different people came up to me introducing themselves, the teenage boys tried flirting with me but with a hard glare from Donavan they immediately scurried off to another corner of the garden.

I was still yet to meet his mother. It's either she's not here or she is here but refuses to approach me. Either way, I was fine with that.

We were all socializing when we heard a man call us into the tent for lunch. The place bustled with activity, the excitement in the air was contagious. Waiters went to and from the kitchen, carrying plates and trays full of food and delicious appetizers. A mixture of classical music and jazz filled the air as almost 5 dozen people filled the tent taking their seats at the extremely long table.

Everyone was making small talk, laughing having a good time. Donavan sat beside me with his free hand on my lap inching up towards a dangerous zone. Everyone was having fun until someone decided to ruin the mood.

"So, you're the gold digging little girl that's fucking my son." I heard a woman say.

I looked towards the direction of the voice and noticed an elegantly dressed woman with a neat bun on her head, flawlessly done makeup and adorned in pearls looking at me with those same emerald green eyes Donavan possessed like I was the devil himself.

"Excuse me?" I replied looking at her like she was stupid.

"You heard me you gold digging slut. Fucking my son won't make him marry you. You're never going to get your filthy hand on my family's fortunes." she yelled.

Donavan was about to stand up for me, but I gave him a look that said "I got this" and he reluctantly let it go.

I calmly looked back over at the woman and gave her my award winning smile that had everyone at the table looking confused.

"If I recall correctly, you were married into this family." I said calmly.

"What's your price?" she retorted ignoring my comment.

I remained smiling, sipping on my cider like I had no care in the world.

"How much would it take to leave my son alone?" she asked but I just acted like she didn't exist.

"2 million?" she asked earning a gasp from everyone around the table.

Donavan was fuming with rage beside me, but I kept a comforting hand on his thigh, rubbing little circles with my thumb.

"4? 6? fine, I'll give you more than I've given the other two 10 million. Take it and leave my son alone." she said glaring daggers at me.

"The other two? So you're the reason my relationships ended so abruptly?" Donavan barked at her, looking at her with so much distaste.

"They weren't good enough for you, they were all gold diggers." she yelled back at him.

She must've thought I was insane or something because the entire time she was speaking I was smiling at her.

"I'll take it." I said earning another series of gasps from the people around us "I'll just put it in an account for your future grand kids in about six and a half months" I added.

"You're pregnant?" I heard Donavan say beside me.

This wasn't how I planned to tell him but I just had to shut that woman up. Now it's out.

Sorry guys, I was feeling lazy and I didn't feel like going into detail in the whole kitchen scene.
How quick I update depends on you guys, the more comments and votes I receive, the earlier I update.

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