When I woke up I didn't see her...
I looked outside to see a beautiful blue sky. Then look down to see a tiger in my cherry blossom tree. Wow I should take a picture. The pedals flew off so gracefully.Her eyes went so well with the outside, I loved it. Then she looked at the window staring at her.
She roared at the window. The pedals twirled in the gesture of her paws. I waved and she pawed at the air. She was adorable.
I heard stomps up the stairs.
"Do you see your girlfriend outside?!" Harry yelled in amazement.
I nodded at looked out the window again.
I went downstairs and went out the back door.
The sweet smell of cherries filled my nose. I stepped in the moist grass heading to the tree. The shadow of the gorgeous tiger shown in the grass. I looked up from the ground to see her staring at me purring.
She hopped down and came closer to me ,her head near my face. Looking eye to eye.
I put my hand on her head and she rubbed it against my chest.
Her fur was so soft.
Then she backed up and she hopped up on her two legs, and her paws laying on my shoulders. She was taller than I was...in tiger form.
She licked my face and pushed me on the ground, pinning me down.
I tried to get up... Nope. She was so heavy.
I tried rolling... Nope I laid there and stared into her eyes....wow... Silver.
She hopped off me when she heard the door open... Zayn.
She ran full speed at him and held him up about 5 feet into the air on her two legs.
"AHHHHHH!!!! SHIT!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!" He yelled.
She looked over at me and she dropped him.
she looked at me in those sad puppy eyes and walked off. The boys came out and looked to see what happened.
I saw her on top of my house. Looking off into the distance. She flew off into the sky.
She hadn't came down, but after 5 minutes it sounded like a airplane.
Then I saw her diving down onto my yard.
And I ended up on the ground.
She was on the ground bleeding.
She had claw marks on her back.
Then she got up with a eagle in her mouth. She ate it in front of us.
She ended up naked on our kitchen floor. Harry got hard. And we all punched him in the arm.
I picked her up bridal style and laid her on my bed.
How the f*** did she have wings in the first place!?!
I'm not gonna ask

The lonely tiger (One direction fanfic)
FantasyA troubled girl named Alexandra finds out her secret power but does it go away by the love of Niall horan. ? Niall finds her and takes care of her... What does it mean? find out!