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I run through the dark forest, my feet hitting the hard ground as I push myself further. My lungs gasping for breath with every step, but I can not stop. The lungs burning in my chest feel like they will disintegrate at any moment now, begging me to stop. Tree limbs that are scattered on the ground jump up, scratching my legs, sending pain throughout. Spikes of plants cut my arms which adds to the white hot pain coursing throughout my body. I feel blood making it's way down my arms and my legs. It was as if my legs began to scream at me, begging me to stop and rest. But I can't stop, whatever is behind me, chasing me, is no good.

"Elizabeth!" I jump as I hear the deep voice yell out my name. I know it'll take me if I slow, the last time it got even remotely close the pain was so much worse than what my body is going through now. I feel an almost gentle touch graze my back. "Keep goi-" my whisper cut short by a scream that escapes my lips.

I feel myself fall, the air rushing up to meet me. I hit the ground with a loud thud. I open my eyes, unsure of what to expect in front of me. I'm surrounded by a bright light that touches everything in its path. Whatever this place is it's the opposite of the forest that I fell from. I look up, there's not a single sign indicating where I was running, just bright blue sky above me. Beautiful flowers are touched by the sun, making their colors even brighter. I get to my feet, I look down and notice the cuts all over my body are still bleeding a little. I don't take time out to nurse the wounds, my mind consumed by the place I've fallen into. "Where am I?" I question the emptiness around me.

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