end of school and adult hood to come

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The last day and all the pupils are just about to leave the school

All:bye guys see u around

Sabin:ezra wait

Ezra was walking away with his team mates to go to the pack to play their last football game

Ezra:huh oh hi

Sabin jumps in to ezra's arms and she kisses him

Sabin:see u

Ezra waves good bye to sabin and goes the park

Ed:so i am getting a house or flat.

Max:i am getting a flat with my girlfriend. What are u going to do ezra

Ezra:well me and sabin are getting a flat

They start to play football into the night.the next year ezra and sabin get married and have a child called axel.


Well the book is done and there is a preview of my new book out already. There will be special chapters coming out so dont worry but that will be for some time.

May the force be with u


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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