Chapter 1

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I flinch as Joe smacks me again. He says I'm not working hard enough. I mop the floor and as usual Joe finds a place with mud. Honestly I know it's the ten men sitting on the couch laughing who make the floor muddy whit they're shoes over and over again. My cheeks are red, with brand new and fresh bruises on them. I scream as Joe hits me with a belt. I feel the blood on my back but i decide to be brave and not beg Joe. All I will get from doing that is more torture. This sounds bad but believe me this is just the beginning. I know that as I see Joe winking at one of the men. The guy is about 24. He has brown hair and almost black eyes. He grabs my arm and takes me into one of the rooms. I know my arm will be bruised but that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about what's about to happen. As we reach the room the boy looks at me. Hi, Luna, my name is Valentine and believe me I'll make today feel like it's Valentine he says. He pushes me to the wall and presses his ruff lips against mine. My lips open under the pressure as the kiss becomes fiercer. He takes a break just to remove my white shirt. He looks at my boobs and I realise I'm not wearing a bra. He kisses them touching them gently. Then he kisses my stomach, my belly button, as he tries to take of my jeans I decide not to think of it. Instead i look around the room. It has red walls. The bed is white with a red blanket and red pillows in the shape of a heart. The room is lit with a couple of candles. Just at that moment i get pulled out of my thoughts by a fierce kiss. Outside someone yells:'enough!' Valentine winks at me and then exits the room. As I put my clothes back on a second man enters the room. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He looks at me and winks as he licks his lips. In my thoughts I encourage myself. This was not going to be for long, tomorrow night would be a big night. Tomorrow night would be the night I have been waiting for. Tomorrow night I will know who my mate is. He will rescue me. And I won't have to live life as hell. I wouldn't care if my mate was a Omega, I just wanted to get out of here.

Joe picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. All the ten men had gotten what they came for. And so had Joe. He reaches for a black door with a heavy lock on it. Joe opens the door and throws me down the stairs. 'You're food for today is on the table!'
I look around, I'm in a grey, dirty room. Water is dripping down making a constant 'drip-drop. Drip-drop.' Noise. The only thing in the room is a tiny table that looked like it would turn into ash as soon as you'd touch it. On top there is a tiny candle, with a couple of matches next to it. She finds a piece of dry, hard bread on the table. Half of it has turned green. I rip of the green bits and i end up with a bit of bread which is as big, or rather as small as, my pinky finger. As i chew on the hard bread i think about what tomorrow night would be like, I'll turn into a werewolf. My mate will rescue me and I'll be free. Finally free. While I think about this, i feel my eyelids become heavy and in a nonasecond i fall asleep.

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