Remembering the past

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Three years ago me and my dad were in a car crash and I was in a coma for three days. When I woke up they asked me a few questions such as; whats your name, what age are you, where are you from? All I could remember was those three things. And thats it. No family or friends, nothing. But after a while my memory came back, but only recent memories. When they said it was ok to go home they finally told me that my dad had died the day of the crash. The anger built up inside of me and I completely shut everyone out from my life. A year later I decided that maybe it was a good idea to stop being a social little nobody and actually talk to people.
The reason I am telling you this is that this has all got to do with remembering Ryan.

As he told me his name I instantly recalled seeing him. Not once or twice but we used to be best friends. Ever since we started primary school we clung on to each other for our dear lives and we wouldn't let go until one day Ryan started completely ignoring me. I was 13 at this stage and he just completely lost interest in me, and I was heartbroken. So after I decided it would be a good idea to move on and not talk to him again. He became extremely popular in the school mostly because he was really good looking and sporty.

~Ryans pov~
I instantly remembered Molly. We used to be best friends but I cut her off completely one day and I regret it so much. I never tried to talk to her after, I was to nervous. I was embarrassed of having a girl best friend and all the other lads would tease me. And now I can see what a jerk I was and that I need to apologise to her when we meet up next. I hope she will come. And even though she mightn't  remember me I still want to apologise to her. She is stunning now and I don't see how I could have ever stopped being her friend. I guess I was nervous because whenever I was around her I got butterflies in my stomach and I new I had grown feelings for her. And more than just friendly feelings.

~Mollys pov~
Ugh, I can't believe I went for a coffee with him. But I still want to go next week, we need to sort things out. Oh and yes how could I be so blind he is that stupid guy who lives across the road from me.

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