Chapter 8 : First day of school

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Angie's POV :


My body was aching because I slept on the floor. He put a mat and pushed me on it afterwards he tried to rape me just like my dad did. He leaned in close and started nibbling on my neck , then he started pulling off my top and bra. " m-master please stop !!! " I started to cry because I didn't want to give my virginity to anyone only to the man that will truly love me.

"Shut up !" He yelled at me and slapped my across the face. He started kissing me more violently , his movements were rough. He ripped my jeans off and went for my panties but before he could i started screaming

"Daddy please stop , I promise I won't do this again please.. " I couldn't stop myself from crying, I didn't realize what I just said until he slapped me and got off of me.

"Who would wanna fuck someone like you ? " he spat.

I couldn't sleep because all the bad memories came flashing back at me. Suddenly I was awoken by a kick to my right side .

"Get up your coming with me to school today , you'll be carrying my books." He spoke.

"Oh and here are some clothes to cover your ugly body in" his words hit me like an arrow in my heart . I got up I went to the bathroom took a shower , put on make up to hide my bruised face and brushed my teeth.

Andy's POV :


From the moment I saw her I felt tightness in my pants and since I owned her I said why not. When I tried though she wouldn't let me because she started begging me to stop and that pissed me off . She smelled so good , I could tell she was a virgin from her scent that made me want her even more what made me stop was when she talked about her father. Suddenly I felt a wave of guilt , anger and jealousy. She was beautiful . Her body was something else.

Why does she bring these emotions out of me ? No Andy you cannot feel anything towards her , what you feel is hate and disgust. She deserves to suffer. She's human .

I let her take a shower and put on some clothes. She was going to be my slave so she had to come to school with me. Plus the guys were gonna see her today .

Angie's POV :


" You don't speak to me in school , or any of my friends , you will carry my books and sit on the floor next to my desk got it ? " he spat angrily.

"Yes Master" I replied.

His books were actually really heavy. Once we entered the school gates I felt eyes on me. I'm guessing he must be pretty popular. All the girls looked at me and giggled and the boys just stared

"Hey guys ! " he spoke to a group of four boys

"Who's this ?" A boy with long black hair and brown eyes asked him

"Oh she's just my new slave " he replied coldly.

"She's pretty man !" Another boy with also long hair and a bandanna said

"Shut up guys !" Andy shouted

While Andy was chatting with his friends two more girls came towards me

" Hi ! I'm Sammi" the girl with crazy hair said I'm jinxxs slave. She pointed at the boy next to Andy who had black short hair and had blue eyes too oh and a star on his right eye.

"Hi I'm Angelica but you can call me Angie" I replied

"Why are you whispering ?!" Sammi asked

"A-Andy says I'm not aloud to talk to anyone " I replied

"W-why " asked the other girl I think her names Ella and she's Jakes girlfriend.

The other guy with the long black hair is Ashley.

"I'm his slave" I replied

To be honest I was jealous of Ella and Sammi because they were loved by their masters. I on the other hand wasn't .

I was following Andy all day carrying his books and secretly chatting with Ella and Sammi. Suddenly I felt someone watching me in Andy's torture class. I turned around to see who it was and I saw a tall pale boy our age which had dark makeup on and a series of lip rings on his lower lip he was covered in ink too.

I found out that his name was Chris and that he was from the Cerulli clan the second most powerful clan after the Biersacks of course . To be honest I got a bad feeling from this guy so I turned immediately so that Andy wouldn't notice. At the end of school I felt really tired from carrying his books and sitting on the floor all day. When we were about to leave the Chris guy came to where Andy and I were standing and he started talking to me.

"So what's your name beauty , the Dom who has you must be really lucky , but then again your not lucky having him for a master I've seen the horrible way he treats you. Other doms turn their slaves into fertiles and mate with them. But obviously you two don't feel that way about each other."

Before I could answer Andy stepped in front of me he slapped me across the face and I lost my balance dropping his books and myself on the floor. I put my hand to cover where he hit me and my eyes were full of tears. I looked up at him with a sorry expression and I noticed something I never saw before his eyes were glowing red with anger and he had fangs too. My sorrow turned into fear and my body started to shake before I could rip my gaze off him he turned around faced Chris and growled at him and punched him so hard that he hit the wall braking it.

After that his friend Ashley stepped in helping me up and looking at me sympathetically. I lowered my head out of respect for a Dom like himself but he raised my chin to look at him and said. "His not a bad guy , and I can see that he doesn't treat you well and I apologize for him. "

"Please sir don't apologize you have nothing to apologize for you did nothing and I forgive him I know he wasn't always like that." He looked at me with wide eyes and he smiled kindly at me.

Andy couldn't control his anger so he went to hit Ashley but CC and Jake stopped him. He said nothing to anyone pulled my leash to follow giving everyone angry looks so that they wouldn't say anything and left .


Andy's POV :


I saw the way Chris looked at Angelica in class and I got furious. How dare he laid eyes on MY slave ? What got my cold blood boiling was the fact that he spoke to her and even tried to take her from me. I didn't mean to slap her it wasn't her fault , but my emotions were out of control.

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