a complicated relationship

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I sat down on the table next to Sherlock and smiled at him.
the next few weeks after the practical exam we had became sort of friends. well, not really friends, but just mates. he still didn't like me, but it sort of had became a habit to sat next to eachother in class and in the breaks. we had a strange relationship, Sherlock and me.

during the lunch break we sat at our usual place; somehwere in behind a door in the locker room. I had figured out that the door was always open, but nobody else seemed to know. except Sherlock ofcourse, and the teachers probably.
I grabbed some gum out of my pocket.
"want one too?" I asked and smiled.
Sherlock looked at me. "can you please stop asking me if I want gum? it's very annoying", he replied.
"you are annoying... with just being you."
we looked at eachother.
"so we're okay then?" I asked and he nodded.
being mates was actually quite awkward. we both didn't know what it was like to have friends. wow, what must other people think of us?
I started laughing.
"what?" he asked.
"nothing, just.. nothing."
he nodded slowly, looking at me.
I sighed. "if you don't believe me you can just make any deductions."
"come on, tell me", I said.
he looked at me and started making deductions: "you are laughing, so there must be something funny, also you're blushing, so I guess you're thinking about other people think that we are together or something."
I turned my head away. was I seriously blushing? why?
this was a new side of me, and one that I didn't like.
I never have been a person who loves or cares about others easily. that was just me. well, untill now.
I felt that I started blushing more, it was aweful! I looked at my phone, re-reading some messages, just to have something to do so that I didn't have to make any eyecontact.
"are you okay?" Sherlock asked, with a teasing subtone in his voice.
I started thinking; what would the bad ass Jim do in such a situation?
I couldn't make it less awkward, but he already knew that I was gay, so why don't make it more awkward?
I smiled at him. "I'm fine", I said and looked in his eyes.
oh god, I loved to mess with people like this, make them confused because they don't know if you're joking or not.
but ofcourse, this was Sherlock. it was like impossible to mess with him.
well, it was nice to try, that's what bad ass Jim would do.
I sticked out my tongue and threw the gum in the bin, putting another one in my mouth.
"are you sure you don't want one, Sherlock?" I asked.
"yes, I'm absolutely sure!!" he replied.
I smiled. maybe I couldn't make him being confused, he was definately annoyed.
suddenly the lights turned off, it was broken. I grabbed the heck to go outside. Sherlock was planning on doing the same and our hands touched eachother. his hand layed upon mine and we just kept standing there for a moment.
okay, now it was definately me who was confused. what was I supposed to do? pull my hand back?
I actually didn't want to, but if I didn't this would get awkward like hell. I pulled my hand back and was glad that it was dark because I was absolutely blushing. again.
he opened the door and walked outside. "I will see you in class", he said and walked away.
"yes, ofcourse you will", I replied.
I smiled. okay, now he absolutely WAS confused.
the bell rang and I walked into the classroom. I looked at the girls who were already sitting there.
"well, ten points for me", I said and smiled.

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