Fangirling over your OTP

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AN: Ok, this is my first fanfiction that I have uploaded. English is not my mother tongue, so you can correct me if I have written something wrong. Enjoy!

Sam was laying on his bed, looking for more cases on his laptop. Even though, he and Dean have just arrived from another investigation, he wanted to work more. Also, Cas was here at their insistence. Cas was feeling weak, so the Winchesters, especially Dean, wanted to make sure that Cas was alright.
After he looked at some news on the internet, he closed the laptop and went to sleep. In the exact moment when he closed his eyes, he started hearing some moans. They came from Dean's room. "What? I remember that Dean didn't take any girl with us." But, when he listened carefully, he could hear that those moans were made by men, he couldn't hear any girl.
"Cas" Dean moaned.
Sam couldn't believe his ears. It wasn't a problem for him that Dean was bi, but when Sam asked Dean about Cas, Dean said that they are platonic friends. "Jerk. He thought I wasn't going to accept him."
He really wanted to sleep, but in the same time he didn't want to scream at his OTP.
So, he dug his nails in his bed sheet and he put his pillow over his ears.
"Ah, Cas, this is feeling so good!"
"Well, at least, he could be more quiet, either way, he will wake up all the hellhounds from hell." Sam thought as he tried to think of puppies, trying to avoid thinking about his brother.
He got up from bed, he took his laptop and went to the living room after a loud scream came from Cas' mouth. He couldn't bare to listen to his brother and his best friend having sex, it felt so wrong. He opened his laptop, put his headphones and  he looked for cute dog videos. Even though the puppies were cute and the volume of the laptop was so loud, that couldn't cover the sexual noises from Dean's room. Sam checked his watch: it was 2 am and Dean and Cas had been doing sex for thirty minutes. "What is going on there? Why is it taking too long?" he was wondering. He didn't want to interrupt them, but, c'mon, he wanted to rest. When the strange sounds stopped, Sam felt like he was blessed. "Thank God for making this stop!" Then, Sam put his heavy head on the table and he slept instantly.
*The next morning*
Sam was woken up by the sounds of some steps. Dean entered in the living room and said:
"There you are."
Sam just groaned because of the pain felt in his back. Let's say that the table isn't the most comfortable place where you can put your head to rest. Then, Sam remembered the reason why he had to sleep there. "Dean shouldn't be afraid to hide his love for Cas. The whole episode with the Purgatory it's a clue to his love. Maybe we should talk about this." he said to himself, thinking of the times when they weren't sincere to themselves.
"Do you wanna talk about the last night?" Sam asked.
"What happened last night?"
Was he drunk when he had sexy times with Cas? No, he was trying to ignore him, Sam thought.
"You know, you and Cas, in your bed..."
"Cas couldn't sleep, so I let him fall asleep with me."
"Dean, are you trying to ignore the fact that I heard you and Cas having the frick frack?"
Dean was intensely starring at his cup of coffee. Then, Cas interrupted them, wearing Dean's t-shirt with ACDC and some grey panties.
"Dean, where is my tie?"
"Maybe you should take a bath before dressing up." Dean suggested.
"But, I don't know how to use a bath." Cas said in a cute awkward way. Dean looked at him with passion and love.
"Heat up the water and wait for me in bathroom."
"Okay Dean." Cas left them.
"Yeah, I might be gay, so what?" Dean shouted sounding annoyed and strange, after Cas left.
"Just clarifying the things out. And I want you to know that I am not like dad. I'm not asking from you perfection. I remember that in highschool, when you were checking out guys, he noticed it, then, he started to scream at you. Again, I repeat, I'm not like dad. I want to see you happy. Take whatever it takes to be happy. I don't know, get married with Cas, get a house, make some children or adopt some... I support you."
Dean looked impressed, he wasn't expecting to be accepted. He blinked twice before muttering a "Thank you!".
Suddenly, from the bathroom, they heard something cracking.
"I have to see if Cas is alright." Dean spoke.
"Yeah, sure, go."
As Dean hurried up to the bathroom, Sam thought: Aww, they would be such a cute couple if they would move together.
Maybe he should leave the bunker for a few days and let the loving birds be together.

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