Chapter 2

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Whoooooweeee! I didn't expect a noticeable reaction to my newest (and hopefully improved) vampire story... but it makes me HAPPY! So, I am uploading, you nuggets.

 Don't you like the sound of that? Nuggets. Wait... scratch that, I change my mind. I'll figure out another name... WAIT! I HAVE IT! You all are now my doodles. YESSSS! Read on, little doodles!

 *Chapter 2*

 You know how in books they always say that when you're about to die your life flashes before your eyes?

 It's a total lie.

 I screamed at the top of my lungs in fear and clutched Mr. Psycho tightly. What was he thinking? Was he crazy?!

 Obviously, my mind reprimanded my silly self, he's suicidal and suicidal equals crazy. That was why I listened to my mind. It was usually right.

 I waited for the impact, but... nothing happened. Convincing myself to open my eyes and look around was hard, but I somehow managed.

 The grassy ground was exactly how it should be- trim, green, and wet from the underground installed sprinklers. Hedges lined the courtyard, and a tall oak stood in the right corner. Everything was in its rightful place. But what about...

 I flexed my fingers, surprised when they complied obediently. My toes wiggled in my fuzzy turquoise socks when I moved them also. That meant...

 "I'm alive," I breathed in wonder. My eyes widened automatically, trying to adjust to the darkness of the night. All at once, I was dumped on my rear.

 "Um, ow!" I objected grumpily. Stupid gorgeous gun-wielder.

 "Get up. We have to leave now," he huffed moodily. I rolled my eyes.

 "You're such a gentleman," I muttered sarcastically before pushing myself up and dusting my butt off. He said nothing but clamped his large, cold hand around my small wrist and began dragging me towards the entrance gates. I stumbled in trying to keep up with his pace.

 "Where are you taking me?"

 "You will find that out once we arrive," he answered vaguely.

 "Are you going to kill me?" I asked, petrified.

 "If you are lucky... no." My body untensed.

 "Then why do you want me? Couldn't it have been somebody else?"

 "No," he answered brusquely.

 "Well," I huffed, "you might as well tell me everything now because you're going to tell me anyway."

 "Would. You. Shut. Up?" he hissed.

 "You are so moody! And no, I will not shut up! You can't make me-!" Before I could work myself up to a more argumentative state, he threw me over his shoulder again without a word.

 "Argh!" I yelled pitifully. It was not fair that he could just do that whenever he felt like it. I did not enjoy being man-handled!

 "If you don't put me down, I'm going to scream," I warned him calmly. He ignored me-- yet again.

 "One," I counted. Silence.

 "Two." Nothing.

 I skipped three and screamed as loud as I possibly could for about two seconds before a hand was slapped against my mouth and my body was thrown into what seemed like empty air, until I landed on something soft and cushion-y.

 Immediately my instincts kicked in. I lunged out of the darkness I was in and tumbled clumsily onto the damp grass. Scrambling up to my knees, I pulled stood straight and got into attack mode.

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