(3) The Bag Game

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The Bag Game . . .

I pulled up to the giant gate, the one imprinted with a large 'T' smack dead in the center. Letting out a yawn, I rolled down the window and pressed the button on the touch screen keypad, waiting for someone to let me in.

"Good evening, Mr. Stevenson," the staticy voice of Jacob, their butler, said as a loud buzzing noise sounded and the gates slowly began to part.

I nodded and drove through the entrance, going into their large estate. I continued up the short pathway and then turned into the circular driveway in front of the house. I parked behind the familiar grey Mustang, which was among four other nice and exotic cars.

I quickly jumped out of my Camaro, hitting the lock button, and then walked towards the front door.

I raised my fist to knock but before my knuckles made contact with the door, it swung open.

"Wyatt," the blonde said, giving me a wide smile. "Come on in, sweetie!" Stepping aside, she opened the door wider for me to walk into the mansion they called a house.

You could definitely tell the resemblance between her and her eldest son. He was a spitting image of her, with the brilliant blonde hair right down to the sparkling blue eyes. Audrey was a nice, 30-something year old women with a nice body, but I'm definitely not perving on my best friend's MILF of a mom. She and my mom went to highschool together, and since Levi and I were born around the same time, we always had playdates and whatnots.

Mrs. Thompson married a wealthy stockbroker for a company that I sorta forgot the name of. All you need to know is that they are filthy rich, hence the big house and the nice cars.

"Thanks, Mrs. T," I said, walking past her and into their spacious foyer.

"He should be in his room," she said closing the door and turning towards me, running a hand through her long blonde hair. "But you can never be too sure about that boy," she muttered, mostly to herself with a faraway look.

I chuckled, waving to her as we parted ways, me heading up the grand staircase to the second floor and her disappearing to wherever she was before. I made it to the top and then headed right, going in the direction of Levi's room.

"Ahhh," someone screamed out of nowhere as I passed an open door, running into me from the side and wrapping their arms around my waist.

Shocked and mostly confused, he caught me off guard, causing me to lose my footing and tumble to the ground.

I pushed him off of me, rolling onto my back to see who my attacker was.

"I guess that's one more for me," one of Levi's younger brothers said, jumping to his feet and smiling deviously down at me.

"Ah, come on, Nate," I said, taking a wild guess at which one he was as he grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet.

"I'm Nate," another voice called, walking up behind me. He stood next to his twin brother, upset that I got them mixed up again.

"Yeah, you really need to work on telling us apart," the other twin, the one that tackled me, said as he shook his head disapprovingly, all the while keeping a teasing smile evident on his face. "It's really cramping my style."

"What style," Nate muttered under his breath.

Yeah, Levi has two twin brothers. Nathaniel and Nicholas, but they just go by Nate and Nick. They leaned more on their dad's side in the looks department, with the brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. They were only 14 and in, like, 8th grade... I think.

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