The Kindness of Sherlock Holmes

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Josie ran across the quite streets of London as a group of men chased her. She caught sight of a Cab and sprinted to it; by the time she had gotten there it was gone.

“Help!” Josephine screamed again this time in desperation but no one came. She raced round a corner her dark  hair whipped at her face and she brushed it away, but slammed face first into a wall. She banged her fist on it. There had to be a way out!

“Hehe. Nowhere to run girlie.” The leader bellowed. “Hold her.” 2 of the team members grabbed Josephine’s wrists despite her protests.

She cried out as they traced the knife down her arm; drawing blood. Josie forced her tears back and stifled her cries of agony as she tried to show no weakness.

“Ha, you’re tough girly. But you’ll snap and I’ll make you scream.” He made his way to Josie’s other arm, he was about to plunge his knife in until a voice rang out.

“Gentlemen, Gentlemen! You weren’t planning to harm an unarmed girl?” the leader snarled his disapproval for the interruption. He turned you find a man holding a gun; he had black curly hair and was wearing a fastened black jacket.

“Who’re you?” the leader spat

“Just a passer-by, Watson, now!” the group of men jumped slightly at the sudden outburst, they scanned the alleyway. When nothing emerged they hollered with laughter, however it was short lived as a gun rang out and penetrated a man’s shoulder. The gang member squealed in surprise and fell to the floor cursing. The gang looked around as shots screamed in the alley, all that was left were 5 men on the floor groaning in pain and blood spilling everywhere. It took all of Josie’s willpower not to hurl. A voice rang out

“Sorry I’m late Sherlock, got delayed a little!” a number of police sirens blared and cars blocked the only exit. 2 men came into view and talked to the man with curly hair, however he wasn’t listening instead he was gazing at Josie with dark eyes.

“Sherlock.” One of the men began “what on Earth are y-” he paused as he noticed the girl in the alley way clutching her arm. He noticed blood dripping down “Bloody Hell are you alright?” he exclaimed as he rushed towards Josephine. She winced as the man’s fingers brushed against the cut “Lestrade! Get an ambulance here now!” Josie waved him off and walked out of the alley despite everyone’s protests. Dizziness washed over her and her legs buckled she screwed her eyes shut as the ground came into view. She waited for the impact but it never came she opened her eyes just a crack and saw the man with curly hair grasping her with firm arms, his eyes were slightly filled with worry, he hid it well but Josie noticed it. He looked away and mouthed something that looked like 

‘Where’s that ambulance?’

Josie frowned slightly. Surely her wounds couldn't be that ba- she looked at the trail of blood that she made and allowed herself a small chuckle and sweet blackness claimed her…

“Sherlock, I’ve told you already, she won’t say anything. We don't even know her name!” Lestrade stood in front of the door to where the girl was being kept.

“Move aside Lestrade, perhaps I can do something.” Sherlock said and Lestrade gave up

“Fine.” He opened the door and let John and Sherlock inside… 

Sherlock emerged into a brightly lit room, there was a table in the middle of it and the girl from the previous night sat there looking at the floor. Lestrade hovered about the doorway before leaving Sherlock and John be. Sherlock blew his dark curls out of his eyes as he sat down next to John

“My name is Sherlock Holmes and this is my friend John Watson. What happened last night?” he asked but the girl didn't move he sighed

“Do you know why the men were following you?” no answer

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