Part 6

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“School?!” Josie screamed “What do you mean I have to go to School?”

“Calm Down Josie.” John chided

“But I don't wanna!”

“But you have to.”

“But it’s boring!”

“But it’s your education.”

“But you don’t do anything!”


“Don’t start another sentence with ‘but.’”

“It’s for your own good.” 

“Oh for God-“

“Josie!” Sherlock snapped “I’ve told you over a hundred times, don’t use that language unless Anderson or Donovan is in the room! And also, listen to John. You haven’t really learnt anything since you came here. 

“I’ve learnt the art of Deduction!” Josie protested

“Not good enough. You start tomorrow.”

“I hate you.”

“I love you to.”

The next day, John handed Josie a smart uniform, she grumbled something before stomping off to change. A few minutes later she emerged in a dark blazer, a crisp white shirt and a pair of black trousers… Wait, trousers? John sighed

“Dare I ask what happened to the skirt?”

“I didn’t like it, it was Itchy

“Oh don’t you look fabulous!” Miss Hudson complimented “How about a picture? Sherlock!” he popped his head around the corner


“Come here, we’re going to have a picture.” Sherlock smiled and walked over while Miss Hudson prepared at Camera that had better days. She set the timer and took her place beside Josie.

“Say Cheese!” the camera flashed and Miss Hudson looked at the picture. She handed it to Josie and she grinned. The picture showed Josie in the middle, Sherlock behind her with his hands on her shoulders, John to the left – he was holding Josie hand and Miss Hudson to the right. 

“I’ll go print it and hang it on the wall!”

“Uh… Miss Hudson?” Josie says hesitantly

“By any chance, could you get a spare copy so I can keep one?”

“Of course!”

“Thank you.”

“Come On! Or you’ll be late for school!” Sherlock yelled and shoves Josie and John through the door, he picks up  Josie’s new school bag and they bundle into a cab.

“Josie,” John starts “Your lunch is in your bag, you have a knew pencil case that is filled with all the essentials. Alright?” Josie nods and grinned wildly as she pulled out a dark pencil case.

“Do you like it?” Sherlock asked

“I love it” they arrived at the school and John fixed Josie’s uniform

“O.K. we’ll leave you here. Be sure to work hard, alright?”

“And be sure to give 200%” Sherlock added

“You can never give more than 100%” Josie reminds him

“That’s my girl.” Sherlock kissed Josie on the forehead; she turned and entered the school doors.

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