Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning and immediately start grinning. Jackson, I think to myself and squeeze my blanket whilst my heart flutters and a grin creeps onto my face. Then Jackson pops into my mind as well, making my joy turn to confusion and dreadfulness. I pull my long brown hair into a bun and look across the dorm at Naomi. I know that can't tell her about my class with Jackson, but I really want her advice.

Regardless,I pull my dad's old Seattle sweatshirt on over my head. I throw on some leggings and go to the lounge to meet Jackson for our coffee date. I can't help but fantasize about what our relationship would be like if I chose him. I start to smile as I walk down my hallway. 

As I round the corner I see Jackson strolling towards me, playing with his shirt. 

"Jackson? Hey!" I say walking a bit faster to keep him from waiting too long for me.

"Oh, Christina, hey." He says awkwardly. 

I grab his hand and say, "Ready for coffee?"

He replies, "Yeah. Let's go to the coffee shop down the street today; class got cancelled."

We arrive at the cafe and sit at a booth; me and Jackson on one side and myself on the other. Once our orders are ready, Jackson volunteers to go retrieve them from the lady running the drink machines. 

So many thoughts run through my mind, but they abruptly come to an end when I hear Jackson set our drinks down and slide into his side of the booth. 

I start to sip my  peppermint latte as we talk about their band, GOT7. The address that he had given to me in Psych was to their concert tonight at 10:00. 

"Could I bring my roommate? Or would that be weird?" I ask Jackson. I spin my cup on the table, making my hands warm. I slip them under my thighs to warm them up a bit more, but Jackson grabs them before I can and smiles at me. I feel my face heating up as we sit there in silence.. 

"Come on. I want to show you something." He says, standing up and reaching his hand out. I grab his hand and start walking out of the coffee shop. The cool air creeps under my sweatshirt making me shiver. We begin to run as we approach the door leading to the street. As we get to the parking lot, I unlock my car and hop in, waiting for Jackson. "Okay," he says, buckling his seat belt. "take a left on 3rd and then a right on Buford." I pull out of the parking lot and follow the directions. "Follow Buford for like 8 miles then take a right on the hidden driveway." 

I turn and I drive for a good mile and a half. 

"Turn here." 

I turn into the parking lot of a hidden warehouse. I park my car by the vans the are parked in the front. I look over to Jackson with a confused look in my eyes. 

"Come on," He says. I just sit there and wait for an explanation. "It'll be fun, come on." I sigh and lock my car as we walk into the building. As we approach a loud bass makes me jump. A song is being sung inside. A guy with silver hair opens the door and pushes me and Jackson inside. 

A group of six guys were on stage, performing a song. Jackson runs up to the stage, pulling me with him. I run on the stage with him and he throws me a microphone. I turn it on and the boys go silent. 

"THIS IS CHRISTINA, EVERYONE!" Cheers erupt from the crowd as a spotlight gets put on me. A beat starts pounding. "SHE'S GONNA FREESTYLE FOR ALL Y'ALL!" 

I start to blush but move my head to the beat. Words start flowing out of my mouth as everyone screams and jumps. The words the come out start to flow together as the beat goes on. Once it fades out, another group of guys runs on. 

"Hello! We are BTS! Let's hear it for Got7 and Christina!" Cheers erupt from the crowd as we shuffle off. A song begins to play louder than it should. The boys are in a formation and begin dancing. The guy from the door stands in the middle as he looks up, beginning the dance. I can't lie, I'm mesmerized by their coordination and sound. After their song a beat begins as three of the step forward. "This one is called Cypher part 3. Let's go!" The boys begin rapping and jumping. Holy shit.

"Hey! Christina!" Jackson yells from about 20 feet away. "Come on!" I jog up to him as he leads the group to a room behind the stage. The eight of us sit down on a couch, one of the guys flops onto the floor. 

"I'm Jaebum," The oldest one of them says, shaking my hand. 

"Hey," I say grinning. "I'm Christina. Call me Chris though... you guys are cool."

"Bambam. Nice to meet you." One of them says. His pink hair was somehow pleasing to look at. 

"What's good?" Jinyoung says, pulling me into a bro hug. 

"Hey, I'm Mark." A guy on the edge of the couch says. 

"Yoyoyo! I'm Yugyeom!" One of them says smiling down at me. 

"I'M YOUNGJAE!" The one next to me screams. 

"Jesus Christ, child." Jinyoung says laughing at him. 

"It's nice to meet all of you. I've heard so much already." I laugh, sitting on the empty couch across the room. 

I hear a muffled: "THANK YOU WE ARE BTS!" followed by cheers and footsteps running down the hall. Seven guys run into the room laughing and bowing to us. I stand up making the couch empty for them to rest. 

"Well," one of the members from BTS says "Christina, I'm impressed at how you freestyle."

"Thank you so much! You guys did so great." I say, blushing at the comments.

"I'm Yoongi by the way. That's Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung," he pauses before the last name. I look over to the blushing guy in the corner. I walk over and shake his hand. 

"I'm Chris, nice to meet you." 

His eyes widen as he stutters unintelligibly.

"H-hey I'm, uh, Ju-jungkook." The boys from his group start laughing and yelling at him. 

"Well, Ju-jungkook, and all of you, I say we go out for pizza later. I'll buy." All of the guys cheer except Jungkook who just smiles.  

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