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"God damn it, Sarah!" I yelled as Damon and I walked into her apartment.

Sarah lives alone, moved out of her house on her sixteenth birthday. Parents ideas, not her own. She was sitting on her couch eating a tub of ice cream, but instead of horror movies, she was watching cartoons.

"Ellie, your dad called," Sarah said, reaching behind her black couch to the wooden coffee table, "He wants you to call him ASAP!"

"Give me the damn phone." I said.

Sarah laughed at the horrified expression I had and handed me her home phone. It was fairly new, thank God, I hated old phones. Dialing the number to my dads cell, I walked into the kitchen.

On the fourth ring, he answered.

"Ellie, why didn't you go to school today?" Dad asked.

"Because, Damon and Sarah were very hyper today. We went to the waterfall instead."

My dad sighed and it sounded like he took a drag off of something.

"You can't be doing that. This is the first day of school and I already have to keep my eye out for you. Its bullshit. Do you wanna go back to your mother?" My dad snapped.

I flinched back at his tone of voice and realized he's never gotten this mad at me. Then it hit me, he's high on something other than pills or pot.

This got me pissed.

"You know what dad, I'm gonna be over in ten." After that, I walked angrily into the living room and put the phone down gently.

Walking out of Sarah's apartment, I found myself sprinting full speed towards my house, Damon calling after me the whole time. I ignored him though.

Finally making my way to the house, I flung the door open and saw my dad on the couch with needles laying all over the kitchen table. Most were full of unidentified stuff, few were empty.

"I'm home dad." I said, going into the kitchen. I grabbed one of the needles and went back to the couch my dad was on.

"What are you doing with that, Ellie Mae?"

"What you'd do, duh."

It was a good thing my veins were thick and already up, because right then, I stuck the needle in.

"Ellie, stop!" Damon shouted from the door way.

He was too late though. The needles contents were already flowing through my bloodstream. Everything around me spun. I started sweating. My dad looked furious and upset at the same time. Everything is going the exact opposite as I had expected.

"Don't ever threaten to take me back to my moms again." I said when I could finally make out words.

Deciding that I was really tired, I went down to my bedroom in the cooled off basement and flung myself on the bed. My eyes closed and I was soon in a dreamless sleep.


"Ellie?" I heard a voice say as my eye came open partly.

It was a feminine voice. I started to freak out, thinking that it was my mom, but when I looked up, it was Sarah.

"Ellie, why in the hell would you do that?" Sarah asked, pulling me into a big hug.

I hugged her back, remembering what I had done earlier. I don't know how long I've been out for, but I think its been quite a while now.

"You were out for three days." Damon said.

Looking up, I saw him leaning against the door frame of the guest room. How the hell did I just become in the guest room, I thought I was in my room, on my bed. Damon had his arms crossed against his chest, sleepy eyes, and dirty looking. I could only imagine what I looked like.

"Sorry. Looks like I ruined the party plans." I mumbled.

Damon unfolded his arms and came over to sit on the guest room bed with me.

"Yeah, you did ruin them, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you're alright now."

I hugged Damon for a long while and he hugged me back. Then an idea popped up. I have been thinking about this since eighth grade and now I'm actually old enough.

"Damon, Sarah, I'm dropping out of school. I hate it so much, I just don't want to go anymore." I said.

"Ellie Mae! No. Look, there's this really cute new kid, I think you'd like him." Sarah said.

I laughed humorously, "Yeah, and you think he'd like me? Nope, I just stuck a needle with who knows what kind of drugs up into my arm off of adrenaline. Who knows what else I'm capable of." I said, leaning back on the blankets.

"Well, nobody knows, but right now, get up! Its six fifty four and time for school." Damon said, grabbing my hands and helping me up.

Damn, I just woke up and I don't get time to think things over?

"Where's my dad?"

"He went out to look for some jobs. He said he can't be doing what he's doing around you if you're going to do that everytime." Sarah informed me.

I shook my head and looked around. My black and neon green shorts were lying on the floor, folded up, so I took them and my black hooded top. Going to the bathroom, I got dressed and everything else that I had to get done.

I grabbed my white ankle socks and converse and threw those on. Soon enough, we were all three headed out the door.

The walk, as I said, was short and fun with them. Joking every once in a while about random shit. Skipping over puddles or even hopping in them.

Turns out, when we reached the school, we were damp from head to toe. Sarah's bright hair looked the worst. It was all frizzed out and crazy like. Damon looked like he got out of the shower. I looked like a cat that was terrified.

We walked into school together, Sarah had grabbed my schedule from the office the other day, so I knew where everything was. My locker number was 204, far away from the others. But, Damon and Sarah had already gotten their stuff, so they followed me to my locker.

"So the boy asked me..." The Guy that was next to my locker stopped talking and turned to look at me.

He was so hot! His brown, almost black hair, had that emo look. His bright blue eyes made you never want to look away. He had what almost every guy would with for, the perfect, muscular body. He had those high cheek bones too. He wasn't really tan, but he wasn't really pale either.

Looking back up to his eyes, I noticed he was looking me over too. Once he looked back up at me, he smiled a breathtaking smile.

"Hey, I'm Levi. You must be Ellie?" Levi asked.

"Yep, but, you're gonna have to move over a bit, bud, cause you're in the way of my locker." I said.

Levi smiled and chuckled a bit before moving away from my locker.

And that's how the rest of the day went, very, very, obsessed with the new kid who's name would be Levi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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