Granny's Goodbye

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I don't remember how old i was at the time but I remember the dream well because of how it creeped me out and still dose to this day. The dream started out like this I was in the middle of the woods it looked to be about nighttime but I was still able to see my hands and body, i looked around for a bit and saw a figure in front of me, I decided to go up and ask where I was, thought it was probable a dumb idea because the person could have a weapon or something, but when I was close enough to see the details of the person I saw it was someone I did in-fact know, Granny Galiger,
she wasn't related to me or anything she was a close friend of my grandmother but she would always come over when ever my grandmother was babysitting me when I was in like grade 1-4 but I was very close to her that I called her Granny, I had been a long time since I've seen her that I start running towards, but I stopped after I heard this blood chilling scream, and then she just vanished into thin air, all that remain from were she was standing was a patch of dead grass, that was when i woke up and realized it was a dream,
I went downstairs and saw my dad talking on the phone, when he hanged up and saw me he had this upset look on his face, I asked him who he was talking to and what he said to me gave me chills "That was your Grandmother, she just heard that Granny Galiger died during the middle of the night". I can only think of two thing that could explain it the first being that it was Granny Galiger's way of saying goodbye before she went to the other side or the second one being a Banshee was telling me of Granny's passing

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