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Emma Riddle, get out here now," Father called. Gosh, I wish he would leave me alone. He insists I study how to cast curses at the library and duel him so that I can learn how to kill.

"I'm coming father," I call back, in a rush. I scramble to pull my wand out from my wand case. As I'm pulling my door shut, I say "Alohomora." It didn't work. I tried again and it still didn't work. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my keys, locking the door the old fashioned way.

By the time I get down to the public library, I found my father pacing back and forth.

"Finally, took you long enough," Father said.

"Well, if you would let me go to Hogwarts, my spells would be much more advanced," I snapped, " Plus, I could use the teachings to help me with pursuing my dream job of becoming a minister of magic when I get older."

Father chuckled at the last bit and said, "Enough of the dreaming. How many times do I have to tell you? You don't have that option with you being my daughter. If Hogwarts finds out who you are, you'll never get to help me with my plans."

I angrily replied, "I never wanted any of this in the first place! I'm not a killer and I'm never going to be."

"Yes you will," Father said as he looked me directly in the eyes, "You will be the best killer in the world, and you will rule with complete control. Don't you want that?"

"Not the way you do." I replied.

"Fine, but until I see Harry Potter's dead body in the flesh, then you aren't allowed to go to Hogwarts."

I stomped out of the library and started heading home.

"Uh uh uh, where are you going?," Father called.

"Home." I replied.

"Nope, not until you learn this spell."

"That's funny. Instead of saying 'curse' he said 'spell'. What spell is more important than a curse? I thought Father only cared about protection of himself and damage to others." I thought.

He pulled me back inside and reached inside his coat. He pulled out a small but thick book with strange markings on the front cover. I wanted to say something, but I was in a trance, watching Father find the spell he wants me to learn. "Ah here it is." he said.

He handed me the strange book. Curious, I immediately looked at the spell. Immediately I recognized it. It was the spell Expecto Patronum.

"Father, that's way too advanced for me to perform, especially with how little basic training I've had."

"Right, and you're going to sit here all day until you learn it."

How am I supposed to learn a spell like this when I can't even do a simple spell such as Alohomora, I thought.

"Get to work. I'll pick you up at midnight." Father said.

After Father left the library, I made sure he was out of my sight. When I was positive he couldn't see me leave the library, I pulled out my phone and texted Christopher.

Hey, meet me outside the library when you can. I have some news.

Chris typed back, Okay. Give me five minutes.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Chris showed up.

"What's up?" He immediately asked.

"My father. You know I share no interest with the plans he wants to carry out. Sometimes I wish I never even knew him. He's a selfish person who is full of vanity and greed of Harry Potter's death," I replied.

Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now