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"Jack look at these new filters!" I say from upstairs but I get no response. I head down the stairs into our living room and find Jack on the couch playing with the same snapchat filter I wanted to talk to him about. "I came down here to talk about that exact filter." I say from over his shoulder. He looks back at me and says, "Great minds think alike," winks and continues to play with the snapchat filter. I climb over the couch, flop down next to him, and put my head on his shoulder. He moves his shoulder which makes me kind of mad because it was a great place to rest my head. I look at him ready to say something like 'stahp Jackkk' but he looks straight back at me instead of looking at his phone with this weird look like he's studying my face. "You're so beautiful do you know that?" he says. "I don't know how you can say that when I'm wearing one of your hole-y old sweatshirts and some comfy *ss shorts but you know what I'll take the compliment." Jack takes out his phone again says "I love you," while looking at it. I say it back but I'm looking at him, "I love you." Suddenly I hear it being played back and I see on his phone that it's a snapchat. "Are you kidding me Jack? delete it I look hideous and our relationship is between us, not the whole world!" "But y/n just look how cute it is!" I look at the video and it is the cutest thing ever and it has this cute purple glitter filter. I must have watched it loop for forever when he asked "so can I post it on my story?" "I don't care... but I really do love you." He looks at me and gives me a quick kiss, "I love you too y/n."

Idk what to say lol hope you like it ik it's kind of short. If you want to send me requests please do just know I won't do them all especially if it's a really reused concept. Thanks for reading.

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