T H R E E - Park Bench

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The evening was cool, the moon had arrived a tad bit early and the trees were lovely shades of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. The street lamps weren't turned on yet, so their only contribution to the environment around them were the thin, elongated shadows streaking across the road and sidewalks.

In a park a little ways away from the street, the grass was trembling in the cool Autumn breeze. A gravel path wound its ways past benches and through trees before ending up just where it had began. A few couples walked slowly around the long path, each pair unnoticed by the next.

Draco and Harry were among the few sets of two occupying the trail, each clad in a long coat that grazed their ankles when they took a particularly large step. Harry's was thick and a deep ebony color, the collar turned up and reaching for his ears.

Draco was clad in a white coat that somehow managing to keep him warm despite the thin fabric it had been crafted out of. One of his pale hands was shoved into a pocket at about his waist; the other was dangling quite close to Harry's.

The two hadn't spoken in a short while, each content to basking in the comfortable silence hanging between them. Draco's mind was on Harry, while Harry's, like always when he found himself outside, was on the nature surrounding him.

A tree the two had just strolled by was decorated in knobs and blotches of wood darker than the rest. The leaves drooped a bit lower than its peers and a patch of dying white daisies circled its trunk.

"Harry." Draco breathed, not wanting to startle his friend. "There's a bench coming up and my legs need to take a short break."

Upon taking seats, Draco noticed that the bench was tilted just enough so that when he leaned back, his head lolled towards and touched Harry's. Harry didn't seem to mind or either didn't notice, so Draco decided to keep his head there. It was a bit comforting to hear the sound of Harry's breaths when the world seemed to want to stay silent.

Almost as if Harry had read his mind, he whispered, "Do you hear the silence? The way the grass rustles when the breezes come and go?"

Draco made a sound to display that he was listening, but did not open his mouth further than that in hopes that Harry would continue. He did.

"If you listen hard enough, you can begin to detect the sounds contributing to the silence." Harry turned his face slightly towards Draco's. "Do you hear it?"

"Yes." He whispered.

The two sat together comfortably. "I used to sneak out of Hogwarts and listen to the silence." He breathed, taking a quick peek at his past. "Calmed me down straight away." He added. "Let's continue on our walk, shall we?" And with a weak smile stood.

Draco, realizing that Harry looked faint, grabbed both of his hands in his. "You alright?" He said, voice so quiet and calm it could barely be heard.

With an affirmative nod from Harry the two continued on the endless loop and Draco had yet to drop Harry's hand. "Look at the stars!" Draco pointed out, removing the hand he had stuffed into his pocket and pointing at the balls of light with his fingers.

"They're gorgeous, I know."

"Remind you of anyone?" Draco teased, receiving a tired yet amused laugh from Harry.

"Yes." Harry answered truthfully.

Draco's playful demeanor faltered at the sincerity he felt from Harry's words. "Is that so?" He quickly recovered his sarcasm. "Who's the lucky lady?"

Harry didn't respond and instead decided to squeeze Draco's hand before letting it go. The cold night air was in large contrast to the warmth Harry succumbed to from Malfoy's hand, so he stuffed it eagerly into his pocket. Again the two were plunged  into silence, but this one was more uncomfortable than the last.

"How's, uh, how's Weasley?" Draco fumbled over his words in an attempt to strike up a conversation. He listened with bated breath for Harry's response.

"Excited. Hermione finally gave birth to a boy." Harry whispered, staring up into the heavens. "His name I don't know; Ron seems to be too busy to tell me." Draco detected a pang of hurt in his voice. "No, matter. I can't blame him, what with taking care of Hermione and the little one."

"Good for them."

A strong wind suddenly blew from Harry's left and pushed him slightly more towards Draco and to keep from falling, he grabbed Draco's waist.

"Chilly, innit?" Draco speculated sarcastically and earned a chuckle from Harry. "We should head back. I feel the need for a cup of cocoa. You can make it for me."

"Mhm." Harry raised an eyebrow, his air of serenity vanishing. "Of course, your majesty." He bowed low in mock respect before straightening again and throwing an arm around his comrade's neck.

Their feet strayed from the gravel path, surrendering the crunching sound that had emitted from each step they took. An owl hooted faintly in farewell, concealed among the mass of leaves. The crickets occupying the park produced a low hum from between the blades of grass and brightly color flowers concealed now in the darkness.

With one last look over his shoulder, Harry apparated with a faint pop!, his arm still draped comfortably around Malfoy.

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