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Alfred yawned while stretching his arms. It's finally break. Soon is the lunchtime. Francis was doing something on his phone. Mattias was taking a short nap but then woke up by the loud footsteps that echoed around the hallway.

Antonio and Gilbert was running towards their group with an impressive speed. Shoving students out of the way.

"Whoa! Mi amigos you've seen that chica from before. She's very smart!" Antonio said.

"Mein Gott! She answered every questions perfectly." Gilbert said with an energic nod.

Francis smiled and put away his phone.

"Oui~ I've also have class with 'er at French. And she was magnificent at speaking français. Elle est mon angé~!(she's my angel)"
Francis stated, dreamily. Then, It was Mattias turn.

"I've had English with her, she was lovely and was different from the other girls I've met so far. Not to mention everyone liked her! The students, teachers and even Ivan doesn't seem to be bothered by her."

Alfred was starting becoming mure curious about this girl, who's good at everything and liked by everyone. Who is this girl??? Alfred needed to find out.

"So did you guys figure out her name yet?"

"Sí, if i'm correct... Her name is [Name]. Very beautiful name.." Antonio answered.

"[Name]..huh.." Alfred mumbled quietly to himself. He grinned widely. "I should meet her! She's seems cool."

"Kesesese why don't we introduce ourselves?" Gilbert suggest.

"That seems to be good idea, let's sit with her at lunch." Mattias approved happily.

"Maybe some of us gets lucky enough to get her number." Antonio stated cheerfully.

After a few minutes later, the bell rings, meaning it's lunchtime. The group headed to the crowdy cafeteria.

They quickly spotted (Name) seated on a full table, along with some other popular students. It was obvious that students really likes her alot.. it goes without saying.

The awesome trio easily convinced the students to leave the table without (Name), who looked concerned.

"Why did they have to leave?" (Name) questioned innocently. What they don't know, she already knew this would happen. Natalia 'happens' to overheard them talking.

Mattias gave her a friendly smile and sat on the table with his lunch tray. The others took a seat with theirs'.

"We usually sit here." He lied. As the others nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I can sit somewhere else if you want." You said, standing up. Francis insisted.

"Non, non. We don't mind sitting with a belles filles." He half flirted with a wink at (Name), who blushed in return.

"What do you think of the school so far." Antonio asked with a bright smile as grass green eyes shined. Alfred was watching his friends as they spoke to you.

"I'm the AWESOME Gilbert, the most awesome person in the scho- nein! The whole world. Kesesese!" He introduced with a large grin, smiling afterwards.

"My name is Antonio, but you can call me Toni for short~" Antonio introduced with a big bright smile.

"Je m'appelle Francis Bonnefoy. If you need any help, come to moi anytime, mon ange~" Francis introduced and gave you a rose. Where the hell did he get that?

"Merci..." you thanked with a small shy.

Your table became silent when Ivan walked past your table with a sly smile. You noticed that your mates threw glares at him, specially Alfred who looked very dark.

To be honest, you never knew why they hated each other at the first place. You asked them.

"Don't worry about it frau. We just don't get along very well." Gilbert answered with reassuring grin.

"It has something to do with our mi amigo, Alfred."

Then, Francis realised.

"Oi! Américain introduce your'elf!" Slapping his arm lightly.

"Calm ur tits, dude." He mumbled as Gilbert and Antonio lolled.

"Sup, dudette. The names Alfred. Al for short." He introduced, his sky blues locked with yours. His glimmered as he gazed deeply at you.

Francis noticed this.


After a long friendly conversation with the guys, you parted ways. You are walking on the school corridor, on your way to your lesson.

You turned on a corner, not realizing that it was empty of people.

Natalia suddenly came out of nowhere. She looked straight at your eyes calmly.

"How did it go?"

You shrugged and answered. "Fine. In fact, they asked me to go with them to school and yeahh..."

"I see. Did they tell you about their plans?"

"Yeah... they told me that they're going to a cafe."

"When and where?" She asked, sounding very demanding. Your eyebrows rose.

"It was.." you hesitated. "At the Mornings Café at the [Random street]."

She nodded and left silently without a word. Leaving you utterly confused.

You have a feeling that this obviously have something to do with Ivan for sure. I wonder what his planning..

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