The beggining

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"Wake up Shawn you have to go to school today" I wake up to hear my mom call me "I'll be right there" I get out of bed get my favorite iron man T-shirt I put on some pants and the put on a hoodie. "Your breakfast is getting cold" "I'm hear mom" I say as I let out a deep sigh "what's wrong sweetie" nothing just that I have a test" "so I better get going" I walk out the door stuffing my face with a waffle I arrive at school still chewing on my waffle and my best friend Ron shows up and we walk in. I set down my stuff by my desk and take a seat about three minutes into class we hear an explosion "what was that" Ron asked then we see a car get thrown into the class room we all run out of the building we see a big iron suit and a green monster fighting. A car comes rolling and I see Jennifer in the way I run and push her out of the way. I get hit by the car "thread!" I hear in Jennifer's voice "what happened" I hear in Ron's voice

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