Part 2~ Getting settled

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Sydneys' P.O.V


After getting over the fact that i hate airports, i strolled through with my cases and my carry on and got my car that i rented until i can get my own car. I follow the GPS directions when i pull up to two beachside houses, one had a car in the drive and the other was completely emty, i'm guessing that ones mine. I set my car in park and step out and head toward my door, the key inlocks it and i step in, forgeting about all my bags in the car, when my parents told me they would fund for my house ,i didn't know they were funding for a house as big as this! i walk further into the house when a voice echoes around the room
" i know you are new here but i wouldn't leave your luggage out there on a saturday night"
i immediately turned round to find a familiar blonde haired boywith his lanky figure leaning against the door frame.
" luke? what are you doing at my house?"
" well i saw you come in here and i came to say hi, so Hi!" he said flashing a smile
"are you stalking me or something?" i asked comfused as to how he found me. He let out a chuckle and shook his head,
" you know that friend that i came to visit, yeah well turns out you are the new girl he was saying was moving in and he is your next door neighbour."
" so your not stalking me?" i said with a giggle
" you wish princess" we both burst out laughing until we were interupted by a low cough.
we both turned around to see yet another lanky figure but this time the boy had fluffy brown hair and warm brown eyes, i'd be lying if i said he wasn't attractive.
"  luke, you said you were coming over to say hello not have a sleepover, come one we have to go meet chelsea"
Chelsea must be his girlfriend, nobody can be that good looking and not be in a relationship. Luke looked at me pleadingly
" Go,it's fine, it's not like im going anywhere "
"okay , thank you i'll check on you later and we can go and get ice-cream?"
i liked the idea of that.
" yeah sure how about...."
i was cut off by that velvety voice again.
" actually we are staying at chelsea's so we won't be back in time for your little date."
Damn, salty much?
"oh sorry maddie, another time?"
" yeah now go before you get in even more trouble" i chuckled to myself
" here text me, i'm only going to be third wheeling as usual" he handed me a piece of paper with numbers on it.
" okay, now go!" i told him as i pushed him out the door, he turned back to smirk at me before running to a black SUV, i shut my door and let out a sigh before returning to my unpacked boxes.

i lay in my bed staring at te ceiling before feeling a scrunch bin my pocket, i took out a piece of paper, lukes number...

i dialed the number and it rang 4 times before a raspy voice filled my ear
" Hello?"
" Hey Luke, it's me , Maddie" i heard a sigh from Luke's end
" Maddie, thank god you called, it's so awkward, Calum amd Chelsea are making out and i'm sitting here awkwardly third wheeling" he breathed all in one sentence, i chuckled at his desperation to get out
" And you can't get out ?"
" No, Calum is staying all night and i don't have a car to get me back to Calum's" an idea appeared in my mind
" how far from Calums house are you?"
" about 25 minutes, why?"
" if you want out so bad i can come amd pick you up, i have a car, only if thats okay with you?"
" OMG REALLY!!!!, Maddie do you realise how much i love you right now! that would be great, how did i never think of that!" we both chuckled
" okay good, give me the adress and i'll be there as soon as i can "
"okay i'll text you the adress"
" okay , see you in a few!"

The phone call ended and i lept up from my bed , realising i had dust all over me from the boxes, i quickly changed into some ripped black skinny jeans and a grey Nirvana crop top, i slipped on my converse as my phone pinged on my bed,i picked it up and read the text message,
' message from: 07927 354 392,
» Hey, the adress is SY12 4Lk , 12 Groves avenue, thank you soooo much ILY!!!'
i laughed at his exaggeration and added him as a contact
' message to : Lukey 🐧❤️
»Okaii x i'll be there as soon as i can!xx'
I grab my keys and head out the door to my car.

okay what did everyone think? sort of a filler but more to come in the next chapters! The media picture is what i imagine Maddie to look like ! what do you think?

Lots of love,
Maddie ✨

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