The man that i a GHOST?! Chapter: Three

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Chapter 3

School was coming in a day and I wasn't ready at all. "You need pencils, pens - blue, black, and red - paper, a binder, eight folders, eight separators, a five subject notebook, two one subject notebook, erasers, three composition notebooks, six book socks, and -" "Okay!" I yelled, cutting Mickey off. "I get it. I'm unprepared and we need to get a lot of things!" I finished with my hands in the air, turned outwards. He gave me a wary look before taking our coats off the rack and giving mine to me. I've been moody ever since the day Jake saved me. After Gram interrupted me, he hasn't been around. I always think I sense he near me, watching me, but he's never there. I tried calling him, thinking about him really hard, and praying for him to come back, but he hasn't. Maybe the only way is if I get into trouble-

"Are you ready to go?" I jumped at Mikey's voice. "What - oh - I - yeah, I'm ready," I stuttered. He pulled the door opened and waited for me to walk out before closing it. "Where's Gram? I thought she was coming with us." He shook his head in response, "No, your grandmother said she felt ill." Narrowing my eyes I nodded in acceptance. Mikey tried to brighten the mood by smiling sweetly. "Well, madam, off we go then."


No! I thought I would never get it! My father said it was too late! If I hadn't developed them when I was ten, then I would never get them. I'm far over the age of ten, now!

As I was walking out of the door of my room I felt a chill run down my spine. I looked to the room thermometer. It said 72 degrees. My nose crinkled and my brows came together. Suddenly, a cold hand touched my arm from behind. I gasped and turned around. A Native American young man stood feet behind me. Before I could yell, he raised his hand and closed my mouth. Just like magic. "Keep her safe!" He exclaimed desperately. Although he showed no feeling whatsoever, he seemed anxious. His hand fell and I was able to speak. Like anyone would say I asked him, "Keep who safe?" He closed his eyes and took a step back.

"She's got your fathers power." My eyes went wide and my body went stiff. Once again I asked him, "Who?!" The boy moved back again and whispered, "You know who." I tried to walk towards him, but he dematerialized.

A gust of wind pushed my windows open, causing them to dent the wall. I went over to close them, then stopped. Letters began to form on the glass. It was as if a kid was writing on a school bus window after it had just rained. Three words were scribbled in cursive.

'You know who'

The morning before school


You'd think that because it was my first day everything would go smoothly. That I'd make friends that just happened to be popular kids like all the girls in the movies do. You're dead wrong. Now, I'm not saying it was horrible, but it wasn't too far from it.

"Miss Blake! Miss Blake! It would be wise if wake up now. Miss Blake? Please wake up you're late for school! Miss Blake? Miss-" "I'm up! I. Am. Up," I cut him off frustrated. Seriously, don't wake me up in the mornings. Sighing, Mickey turned and stalked off out of my room. I looked at my clock. It blinked 6:47. School started and 7:30; I'll make it. Taking my sweet time, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and picked my clothes out. I was done at 7:01, dressed in my black Abercrombie shirt, a shirt skirt, and black and white Ed Hardy shoes. Hey first impressions are the only ones you get. I took one step out of the door and I felt the breeze pick. All my school news and papers flew to the ground. I turned around thinking it was an open window. I gasped. He stood there facing me. It wasn't the window that was open, it was the shirt he had on. It was the same shirt that always showed deadly stomach. His eyes were an intense hazel. Though I wasn't sure what he was feeling, I knew he had some emotion stirring in him. I took in a deep breath, not realizes I was holding it in. There was an awkward, tense, feeling in the air as we stood there just looking at each other. Although I couldn't stop, I felt myself moving to embrace him. He stood there for a while not sure of what to do, but just like before, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me even closer to him. This was my way of say thank you and I knew he knew that. Regretfully, I pulled back slightly to look him in the eyes. For what seemed like years, we stared at each other. I was confused by my actions. 'What the hell? What are you doing Blake? He saved you, what, five days ago? Get over it! Besides you hate sappy love story moments like this! Snap out of it girl!' I told myself. But I couldn't; it's not like I could just let him go. Well, it's not like I wanted to. I bent my head down; my arms still wrapped around his neck, and looked at him under my eyes. I watched him as his face grew hard, to soft, then back to hard again. That's when I lost complete control in the moment; lifting my head back up, I smashed my lips onto his not caring whether he liked it or not. They always told me you're first kiss would be your worst kiss, but let me tell you. Jake was obviously more experienced in kissing then I was. His hand ran down my hips and up to my head, where he gently grabbed my hair, making the kiss deeper. Unsure, I slightly opened my lips letting him enter. I couldn't hear and I couldn't think. All I could do was feel. I could only feel his lips mashing with mine, the tiny ripples ecstasy coursing down my spine, I could only feel how much I loved him. Unfortunately for me, I lost my breath. Trying to ignore it, I kept kissing him until it felt as if I would die from suffocation. I ripped my head away from Jake's and leaned on my chest doing my best to keep from panting. When I caught my breath, I looked up at him. His eyes were a swirling gray mixed with a hint of brown. In one second Jake's body turned from hot and warm to cold and stone like. He pushed me off of him, harshly then backed away. "I-" I started, but Jake cut me off. Raising his hand, he stopped me from saying anything else. Shaking his head in disappointment, he stared at me. Then he left. Just like that, no goodbye, no I'm never coming back again, and no be back later. He just left me alone to wonder we he would be back, if he was coming back at all, and if I made the right choice by kissing him. Turning on my heel, I got a quick look at the clock that blinked 6:58. Dammit! The first day of school and I'm already late!

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