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Every time I see your name or hear it

It brings me back to all the memories me shared together

All the pain you left me in comes back

How could I be so dumb to think I had a chance with you?

You're a player and I seen the things you do when I first met you

Maybe I thought I could change you but to be honest you're to fucking damaged

I tried to help you but all you did was hurt me

Now what's left was all the memories of you and me

After you left I became a player too

I've hurt people just like you

P.S. I'm also damaged too

But at least I'm trying to not be damaged anymore

I let my guard down a few times after you left

And when you come back I will put my guard back up, cause I won't let you back in my life again

I will always be a player deep down inside me, but I found someone new

Let me just tell you that I don't want to ruin it too

So I'm trying new things out to keep them in my life

My final words to you is yes I wrote a lot of poems about you, but this is the last one for you

Goodbye for the last time I hope you have a good life, and find someone new, don't ruin it like me and you

Last Poem To YouWhere stories live. Discover now