Chapter 1

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Copyright 2011

Chapter One

            The small bookstore was virtually empty. There hadn’t been a customer for what seemed like hours. Sitting behind the small desk near the entrance of the store, Maryn stared out the window trying to pass the time. Even though she was in a bookstore and loved books, her boss wouldn’t allow her to read any of the material within. He claimed she was too young and most of the books in the store were antiques and very valuable. You see she worked in a rare book store and most of the books cost more than she made in a year selling them.

            Collectors and book enthusiasts were the only people this store ever seen. It smelled like must and mold, even though all the books were in fairly good condition. It was just the age of the books. You couldn’t get rid of that old smell, no matter what you did. Maryn didn’t mind though, the smell was comforting.

            The doorbell chimed, bringing her out of her reverie. A tall young man walked in and began to browse the nearest book shelf. Maryn expected him to turn around and leave as soon as he realized what kind of store he had just walked into.

            “Can I help you?” she called from her spot. She felt it was the least she could do.

            “Well I’m looking for a book,” he said, turning.

            Maryn’s heart froze in her chest. The young man, who was actually closer to her age, was drop dead gorgeous. He had dark, short hair and his eyes were as dark, framed by long black lashes. His skin was golden, like he sat on the beach every day and his body was like a fine tuned machine. Her mouth was hanging open and she had to physically make herself shut it.

            He smirked, realizing the effect he was having on her.

            “What kind of book?” Straightening in her chair, she looked him in the eye. No guy was going to get the best of her.

            “A rare one,” he quipped. “This is a rare book store right?”

            Maryn fumed silently. He was making fun of her.

            “Sure, what’s the title?”

            He shrugged. “I don’t know, but I will know the book when I see it.”

“Well that really helps.”

She looked out the window again, not willing to play his game.

He smiled and turned back to perusing the shelves. She kept glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, but would flick her gaze back to the window whenever he turned her way. Time seemed to drag by and Maryn was beginning to get uncomfortable. Suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket telling her she had gotten a text. Relieved by the distraction she took it out and read the text. It was from her best friend, Tessa.

‘Huge party tonight at the Beaver’s and we’re invited’ It read.

The Beaver’s was a guy who lived in the perfect house with the perfect family. He was called that after some ancient show that used to be on television. Maryn didn’t even know his real name.

‘Sounds cool.’ she texted back.

“Excuse me,” a voice called from the other side of the desk.

Her head whipped up and she shoved her phone in her pocket again after hitting send.

“I didn’t mean to bother you when you seem so hard at work,” he sneered. “But do you think I could leave my number so someone can call me if you get in any new books?”

Maryn stiffened at his tone. Who the hell did he think he was?

“Sure.” She tossed him a pen and pad of paper.

He took it and wrote down his name and number, looking up at her once. Maryn made sure to keep her eyes trained on anywhere but him. He was a jerk after all, a really hot one, but that didn’t change the facts.

He slid the pad and pen back across the desk towards her and turned to leave.

“Thanks for the help Maryn,” he called over his shoulder.

“Yeah, whatever,” she said, waving him off.

After he had left, Maryn looked down at the paper.

Cain (555)536-5538

Well at least now she could put a name to his face. It dawned on her that he had said her name and she hadn’t told it to him nor did she have a nametag on. She looked at the door he had walked out of only moments ago with a shocked look on her face.

How did he know her name?

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