A year later

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"AGH!!!!!!!!!!" Dash yelled."We've been searching for a year now, what has turned up.........nothing!" Pinkamena looked at her sarcastic companion. "Look I need a rest as much as you do." She said. "There is no reason for us to be looking this long! At least we could get halfway decent clothes." Pinkamena looked at the rags she had wearing for 7 years now. "I guess you're you're right." Before Pinkamena could say anythingk else, a very high pitched voice sounded. "SORRY, EXCUSE ME!!!!!!! WOOPS!!!!! PARDON ME!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Pinkamena lightened with an evil smile. "Dash look at her!" "Some pony in a rush for a wedding." Pinkamena face hoofed. "Does she look familiar?" "She looks like you." Dash replied. "NO!!!!!!!!!! SHE WAS THE MARE WE SAW IN THE VISION!!!!!!!!!!" Dash stared at the mare turning a corner. She nodded following her. When she got to the castle. Dash whispered over to her covering her mouth with her wing. Still scratched up. "She still looks like you!" Pinkamena frowned. "You've got a point." They walked in and were sat down. When both of the brides were standing on the podium Pinkamena whispered over to Dr. Dash. "And the pink one looks like me. If you didn't have scars all over you you would be the same." She said pointing to Rainbow. Dash frowned. "I guess you're right." Pinkamena smirked. "We went from mockery to justice. You can slap Twivine as much as you want when we get home."

To be continued..............

A Story Against Them #2: It Came True Where stories live. Discover now