They say no wise words gonna stop the bleedin.
But they are the ones I'm needin.
I'm falling into a trap with my own flesh.
It's using me to demolish my best.
I'm liking its ways too.
But that's just how it swindles you.
It tells you it's all good.
That your actions are clearly
What's wrong feels right.
Short days and long nights.
They happen more often.
More than they should.
More than they would.
Wouldn't of happened if you did the right things that you know you could.
But you didn't.
So now you're living in a dreary existence.
Your life is a jigsaw.
That nobody can solve.
And you can feel your hopes and dreams starting to fall.
But it's all your fault, right?
Thay tell you that's so.
But in your heart you think you would know.
How dare youtell me to walk away from who I lve.
From what I do.
How is it even affecting you?
That's what repeats in my head.
Everytime you go to bed.
The painful memories and words bringing tears to your eyes.
As you slowly start to remember the lies.
It's a lose, lose situation
That isn't changin
Might as well cover your face and hide your hands beneath your sleeves.
I'm talking to myself
The only one who knows
What I truely went through
The day that everything turned so cold.
So I'll hide my face and cover my hands with my sleeves
Maybe than no one will see me.
PoetryDon't fall into the trap of believing everything is alright when you know it isn't