The Rich Kid

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My name is Drake Ruscow, I am 14, and my dad is the CEO of Target. I am very rich, and being rich can be very fun and very boring. I get to travel a lot, but I don't always get to do fun things on the work trips that my dad takes. But the times that I have fun, the fun times are grand. the elaborate parties, the crazy big yachts, the nice cars, and the hot girls.

Recently my dad has been expanding his company into the Middle East. Dubai already has over ten Target stores, and the surrounding suburbs have at least twice that. we have been traveling there a lot recently and we have a nice house. I have three of my own rooms and my own grand bath. My own bedroom, game room, and den room.

This is where my story begins. My dad often has rich friends over, I usually never see these "friends" ever again. Some of the time these people are very nice and fun, but most of the time they are dry and can only say "Butler come here" or "My parent's stock is up by three points in the last hour."

Last night there was some one who was very quiet and smart. Sometimes I really like those people because they an help me fix some technological stuff and then show me some very cool techy things that you can do with a computer or a gaming console or a mobile device. Then they are in their environment.

This kid's name was Ben. He was the Techy kind. He cleaned up my already nearly clean computer and made it run so fast that it opens up in three seconds and could open up an internet page in under a second.

Later that night after we played some video games I took him down to the basketball court, I am very good at basketball, and he couldn't miss a shot. He made enough NBA threes to outscore the Heat. He also could drive. He was an all-around amazing player.

The rest of the night we talked about basketball and other sports. I found out that he was staying in Dubai a little longer, I also got his number so if I ever wanted to hang out again we could.

That night I texted him,

"Do you want to play any other time?"

I waited for about twenty seconds before receiving,

"Yeah sure, my place at seven tomorrow. Your driver knows where I live."

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