Intro and Em

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So this going to be an intro and stuff about me, em

Intro: Hello. This is a book. You read books.

Now that that's over with

About me, Em

1. I am a panda and if you call me a human I'll probably dislike quite a lot

2. If you hate on purple I'll probly dislike you there too

3. I love fire and sharp things and basically dangerous hence my love of gore and an anime called Attack on Titan

4. I am an otaku and for those who don't know what that is an otaku is someone obsessed with something and normally used to describe people that love anime

5. I'm a gamer and my two favorites are Minecraft and Legend of Zelda(any LoZ is good for me bc I like them all)

6. I also go by PFP, purple, panda, purps, and Avocado. You may call me any of these plus Em

7. I swear a whole lot.

So yeah that was the introduction I guess I don't really know bc I've never written a book professionally and this was basically crap hope you enjoyed my company

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