I will not concede to be placed amongst things called commonplace. I may not be noble. My birth may be base. I may be seen as cold. Or with a mean set face. But I know myself. And I make my own place. Matters not my beliefs, my love, or my race. All who call me friend know if they need me I make haste. Don't baste me in words. And coo me with compliments. I'm nothing special. I make no claim to Heavensent. I ask little, and give more then most. I have but a small council. But I will lead my host. This is not narcissism, I am not typing this to boast. I know who I am. Better then most. I know where I started. Where I've been, and where I go. If you dislike this. If I am someone you loath, I pity you truly. For I've no hate for any soul. What is the point? My overall goal? To be the best me I can be. To make my own road. I'm writing my story. I'm writing it slow. And when I'm finished, THE WORLD WILL KNOW.