Niall Horan Imagine

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Gold streaks flashed through the blinds. You sat up, Niall shifting slightly in his sleep. You look at him. He looks so beautiful. Head tilted back, eyelashes lightly caressing his soft cheeks, arms wrapped protectively and possessively around you waist, and mouth slightly open, soft snores coming from inside. You just couldn't help but kiss his cheeks. The action made him stir a bit. This startled you. It was too early for him to wake up. You knew how he wasn't exactly a fan of wake up calls.

Trying not to wake him up, you tried to pry off his arms. He instinctively wrapped them tighter, hugging you. Now his body heat was getting a tad bit uncomfortable and the tangled sheets between you two weren't helping. You struggled harder this time, still trying not to wake him up. But was unsuccessful when you saw his doe blue eyes flutter open. He immediately smiled that lazy smile of his when he saw you. It made you wanna smile too. His smiles were as contagious as his laughs.

He leaned in to kiss you. A simple good morning kiss. Your eyes widened and your index finger pushed at his puckered lips. He looked confused as to why you did your current actions.

"I have morning breath." You hurried to state. A sad Niall wasn't really pretty. He sighed in defeat. You winked at him and got out of the bed.

After washing your mouth thoroughly and checking to see if they had anything in between them, you strutted out of the bathroom. Niall was still were you left him. In the bed with his eyes closed. Niall must've dozed off. When you were leaning in he suddenly puts a finger to your puckered lips. Your brows scrunch together in confusion.

"I have morning breath." He mocked you. You rolled your eyes and sat on the bed. Niall decided to make a quick run to the bathroom and wash his teeth. While he was washing his teeth, you started rummaging through his drawers and got some joggers and a t-shirt that was over-sized on you, but you didn't care. Also, you didn't bother putting on a bra. Niall loved it when he could feel you up whilst you were making breakfast.

After waiting for Niall for a few minutes, you got impatient and strolled downstairs and turned on the Tv. There was some gossip show on. It talked about how you and Niall were seen walking together hand in hand and how you were probably more than friends.

You blushed as your thoughts replayed a few nights ago, when you and Niall had a hot, steamy night under the sheets. It had ended with both of you sweaty and exhausted.

A slight sizzle coming from the kitchen interrupted your flashback. Who could it be? When you left the room Niall was still in the bathroom. As you entered the kitchen, you saw Niall, his hair tousled and only in his boxers. Not that you mind. When you neared closer, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind was almost a reflex to you whenever Niall was around. He would always have an arm draped over your shoulders or your waist. He looked over his shoulder and smiled that lazy smile. You grinned back and kissed his shoulder. When you got a whiff of what he was cooking an overwhelming sense of nausea rocked your body in waves and the only place you wanted to be near right now was the bathroom.

Almost throwing yourself on the toilet, you started vomiting. Niall was quick to be at your side and grabbed your hair from your shoulders and wrapped it in a bun under his hand, holding it. All the while, rubbing smooth circle on your back in an attempt to calm your waves of nausea, even though he didn't know that.

Another wave hit you hard and you vomited last nights midnight snack. It had become a tradition to get a sandwich at midnight together. Last night it had looked so delicious, but now its was only making you more nauseated. After finally dumping everything you could, you sat back against the bathroom wall. Niall crouched in front of you, his eyes showing a worried look of concern. You sighed shaking slightly. You hated vomiting, it was the worst thing ever.

"Are you okay baby?" He asked and you nodded, not wanting him to worry. You pushed past him, wobbling slightly to the sink. After washing your mouth you looked at Niall. He still looked worried. Suddenly, everything clicked. The late night snacks, mood swings, nausea at only smells. Oh no...

Your eyes widened in realization and Niall was still worried, concern dancing in his eyes. Tears welled up in your eyes. He immediately went to comfort you, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing circles once again on your back. You clung to him like a lost child and cried into his chest, soaking it. He pulled you back to look at your eyes, desperately yearning an explanation.

"I think I might be pregnant."


Hi! This is @cheekybritishbums here! I wrote this like really late, so sorry if its crappy! Hope you like it! Give me feedback pwease?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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