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Mark looks down at his feet then back up at you. He spins angrily to place both his hands leaning on the desk looking away from you. "Your right." You try to focus on his emotions but looking at his back wasn't helping, you were shocked with his answer and try to hold back the year forming in your eye. 'Of coarse I'm right, but why aren't I getting it!' You speak to yourself trying to figure out what to say or even do next, with nothing coming to mind you slowly turn around to walk away. "Well.." You didn't want to say anything, you didn't even know what was going on. "I guess I'm just going to have to make it quick" you burrow your eyebrows in confusion, but before you could even say one word your lips had met. Your hands were straight down against your sides whilst marks were holding your waist, he pulls you in closer. "He pauses between a kiss "what are you doing to me Y/N" you smile and move your arms around his neck, embracing every kiss you shared until you were interrupted by your friends laughs walking down the hall. You smile at him and pull away him trying to keep hold your arms as you slid away to quickly find your seat.
"Priince!" You said joyfully happy to see your friend. "Since when are you ever here first?" You think about what happened ago just a few seconds ago, looking over at him writing on the board, you start to smile and forget that your friend had just asked you a question "What's happening right now?" She said as she looks at mark then to you. "Oh my god, no way!" You realised that everything you just did was a big mistake as prince has the biggest mouth in the world. You look at her and try staring her down to try and tell her 'don't you dare' she sees you and nods. "Uhm Y/N.." She says just loud enough for mark to hear. "What are you doing??" You whisper "can I talk to you outside?" You turn to look at mark who's already looking at you with a worried look. "Uhm sir could we go outside for a minute?" You say awkwardly. He nods and try's to avoid Prince's stare, as she drags you out the class room.

Prince rushes you out the class room down the hall and down the stairs and as you get to the bottom of the stairs she pulls you through the reception not looking at you once. As you reach the automatic doors leading outside you fell dramatically leaving Prince standing in shock, only then for you to realise you didn't just fall yourself, you fell on top of someone. "Ow.." He groans. "I'm so sorry!" you say trying to help him up. Only to look at him properly.. Lanky body, blue eyes and huh? Green hair? "Nice green hair?" You said trying to lighten the mood, "it's ok, I fell on my ass so I guess I'm ok. And Thankyou?" You put your hand on your head shaking it "are you sure your not hurt?" He smiles and coughs "yeah I'm sure, are you sure your ok though? You sounded like you had a worse fall than me.." He points to your ripped jeans and blood coming from your leg, he grabs your arm to keep you steady as you look down and turn pale white. "Anything but blood..." 'Had you seriously just fainted again?' You say to yourself but you noticed you didn't fall on the ground, because you were once again in the arms of a seriously handsome man.
20 mins later
You open your eyes as you're layed in 3 chairs turned into a bed. "What the fuck?" You say rubbing your eyes "Yeah I guess you could say what the fuck.. Are you ok?" You turn in shock as you see the same guy with the green hair but holding an ice pack on his head. "I'm Sean but you can call me jack of you want?" He says whilst holding his free hand out. You look at him and shake his hand "Y/N ...what happened? And where am I?" You say worried "Don't worry, your friend went to tell your teacher that you had a fall.. But I cleaned up your leg, you know I've never seen someone faint over blood.." He says trying to refrain from laughing, you look down at your leg gasping at the size of the bandage around your leg "was it really that bad?" You say wincing as you moved your leg a little. "I'm not sure but I don't have a car so I couldn't take you to the hospital, sorry" he says feeling bad "No it's fine, I'll have to drive myself but I don't think it..ow... Nevermind.." He looks at you and smiles "well I have my license, so I could drive you?" You look at him and think to yourself 'not this again..' You breath out heavily "I'll have to go tell my teacher, do you really mind?" He smiles "Not at all! Here I'll carry you!" Without saying anything he picks you up like bride. You gasp and hold onto his neck for support "are you sure I'm not to heavy!" You said almost screeching "you think my manly muscles aren't strong enough!" He giggles "no I'm sure your pretty light actually" he says smirking you take the lift this time and he puts you down still not releasing your arm from over his shoulder holding most of your weight off your leg. We walk up to the classroom and stop at the door, Mark turns to great you but stops as he see's the man holding you up. "Sean" Mark said frowning "Mark" jack then says. You look at Mark confused as he turns his attention to you "are you ok Y/N? What's he doing here?" He says angrily "He's taking me to the hospital I had a bad fall and cut my leg pretty bad.." "We should probably get going before it gets any worse Y/N" jack says sternly you look over to mark but he wasn't looking at you he was looking at jack right in the eye. "I think I'll be back in later today sir I might just need stitches." He nods but doesn't take his eyes off Jack, as your pulled away by jack giggling. "What just happened?" You look at him confused as he picks you up in his arms again unexpectedly.

Author speaking
Oooooh jacks in it! What's possibly going to happen!
I had fun writing this one! I hope y'all like it as well! Leave a comment for any ideas or if you've noticed any spell mistakes or any tips for writing better? If you liked it punch the vote button in the face! Like a boss! And I'll see all you dudes in the next chapter! Bye bye!
P.s I know.. That outro tho!

Markiplier or jacksepticeye? X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now