Finding my Way Back to you

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So I have been in this town for a few weeks now and I am enjoying it I still have to tell Xav about our creation but I'm just unsure how he will take it, I don't know if he is dating someone or if he is even interested in me... My daddy says I should tell him sooner rather then later and I agree with him I just don't know how to tell him, I wish I could do it like all the happy married couples on youtube.. ya' know? were the woman hides the stick in wrapping colour the sex of the baby or the cake.. where the inside is either blue or pink? but that wont work for us 1) I am not far enough along to know the sex 2) we aren't even a true couple... "EMMY!!!! You need to get up honey!!!" My dad calls up to me, I like how he isn't always up in my face pulling me out of bed he just shouts at me from downstairs and he doesn't mind if I don't get up for a while, but what he doesn't know is that I had been up for a while, trying to find clothes that weren't to tight. "Coming DADDY" I yell as I walk down the stairs finally happy with my outfit it was a tight yet flowy black singlet with a lose flannel shirt it covered the small bump that was starting to rise "Alex is here honey" He said walking past the bottom of the stairs where I was, "Ohh hey Xav what are you up to?" I ask pulling the flannel shirt around me suddenly worried he might see the bump "We need to talk Em..." He slightly whispered making sure my daddy didn't here. "Daddy Xav and I are going to the stables be right back" I decided as I popped my head into the kitchen to tell him "All right honey just don't forget to eat breakfast?" He questioned as Xav and I walked out the front door.

Once at the stables Xav changed completely, from the soft gentle man to an angry raging man"How could you not tell me?" He hissed at first I was taken aback "what what do you mean?" I whispered not daring to look up at him "You have been here for 3 weeks and two days and you couldn't tell me about this?" His voice raising slightly as he pointed at my stomach "Xav... I..I..I I am going to need you to explain..." "EXPLAIN!!! ME???? I think YOU need to do some explaining.. YOU are the one keeping secrets!!! and WE are NOT leaving until I get the whole story. GO" He yelled walking me backwards so I was pushed up on the back of the stable wall. "Well you know one month three weeks and 5 d..days ago we ya' know did it..." I was starting to stutter as he nodded it looked as if he was calming down "Well I..I think something wwwwent wwwrong... I am carrying our child... that is 1 month 3 weeks and 5 days old...." I whispered as I slowly got the courage to look into his eyes as they were about to burst with tears. "Em... wwwhy c c c couldn't you tell me? I thought all I had ever shown you was kindness and respect..." He said as a single tear slipped down his face "Xav... I I I was just trying to figure out how to tell you... I wanted to see if if if if yyyyou were seeing someone of something before putting this massive burden onto your shoulders... it was just a si-" He inturupted "Do not say a silly mistake.. It wasn't silly nor is it a mistake this child will be loved by the both of us... Em I didn't sleep with you hoping you would run off, I wanted to wake up with you that morning and for the rest of the mornings to come." He came over to me as he wrapped me up in one of his hugs that are tight and welcoming as he kissed the side of my check "Xav... I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier" I cried into his chest.

We stayed like that for a while, after he let go I placed his hand in mine as I placed it over my stomach "This baby will be loved and cherished" I whispered as he got down onto his knees and placed a soft and gentle kiss onto the top of my stomach. "Em I know this might be forward but after a few weeks or months I would like you to move in with me, so that the three of us can be a real family what is mine is yours." Xav said as we walked back to the house hand in hand "That would lovely, but I think we should wait just a little bit okay?" He nodded as we reached the front door, "Well ma'am I think I shall cook you some scrumptious breakfast." He said opening the door as we headed for the kitchen "Now just park yourself over there and wait" He smiled checkly at me "Awww bbbut I like to cook" I pouted with a small giggle "well you aren't lifting a finger until a month after bub is born" he grinned as I moaned "But XAVVVVV I will go insane..." I chuckle "all right I guess you can do stuff for a few more months" we laughed as he started to make pancakes "Xav.. I know this may be a bit forward but are we officially in a relationship or not?" I asked blushing like crazy "Well honey that ain't forward at all it is a great question, umm I would love to be able to call you my girlfriend if you want to be mine that is" He chuckled flipping the pancake "It would be a true pleasure sir" I giggled.

We decided to just hang out at my daddies home as we started to talk about the baby and our future. "Alright honey, who's last name will this baby have?" Xav asked "Well I would hope it would have yours since the baby is yours....and plus your last name sounds a lot better then mine.."I chuckled slightly "Honey, it would be a true pleasure." We both chuckled for a few minutes and discussed little things as I started to feel sleepy. "Em you are looking tired do you want to go have a lay down?" Xav asked as I shook my head indicating that I wanted to stay right where I was "Nooo, I like talking to you and I really don't want to sleep' I said before yawing "Nope, c'mon Em off to bed you two!" He chuckled as he picked me up bridal style and carried me up to my bedroom with a few directions from me. He placed me gently into my bed as I snuggled into the blankets as I realised just how tired I truly was, "Honey I am going to let you rest okay? Your daddy should be home in a few hours, I will call you later sweety." He lent down to kiss my forehead as I lightly grabbed his arm "I...I don't want you to leave..." I said trying to hold back a yawn. "Alright honey, I will stay for a lil while" He smiled while sitting down on the seat opposite of my bed " come lay down with" I said through yawns as he tiptoed around the side of my bed and cuddled into my back "This better honey?" He whispered against my ear, all I did was nod my head ever so slightly as dreams washed over me.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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