Livin' Off The Party Scene

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I saw James walk up, finally, I told him to meet me here at 7:10. He looked scared and shy, as always. His golden brown hair sticking out everywhere from his head; I couldn't tell if he had planned it or just woke up and walked out the door.. Either way, it was somehow kind of sexy, I guess that's why they call it 'sex hair'..

Wait. What the hell am I thinking? He's straight and so am I, I think. I have no clue what I am, I've had sex with girls, but whenever I see James.. I just lose it. I don't find any other guys attractive. Just James. So I guess I'm bisexual but only for James, I'm 'James-sexual' I guess(How lame. Haha.)..

James and I argued for awhile then the bell for first period rang, I walked off campus. Didn't feel like sitting through teachers nag me for not doing work made for a kindergartener, I'm a damn junior in high school!

I don't know where I was walking to, anywhere away from high school, I guess. I walked home, I had nowhere better to go. I checked the driveway, no cars but my own, home all alone today. Awesome.

I came in through the back door, I forgot my keys again. I walked over to the kitchen and looked in the cupboards and grabbed a bag of chips walked upstairs to my room. I noticed a note pinned to the door

'Jakob, your mother and I are out of town this week, here's $200.

~ Steven'

Steven was my mums boyfriend, I never saw him so he never mattered to me.

I grabbed my car keys, took the money, and went to a liquor store that would sell to 18 year olds. I, of course, am not 18. I'm 16. I glanced at my fake ID then my real one, no difference, except of course, the age. I made sure I didn't mix the 2 up before entering the store, grabbed an 18 pack of each beer they had.

I walked up to the counter, looked at the mans expression as he asked "Got plans?"

I simply replied "Partying tonight."

~~Authors Note~~

This will be a chaptered fanfiction. I've decided to post every Wednesday and maybe Fridays.. Hope you liked my crappy chapter :) KThxBye

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2011 ⏰

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