The Plans

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     A new event came up, Comic-Con 2016. Lany was anxious to go. In fact it was is her hometown. This was perfect for her.
     The new event planned to attend tomarrow. This was not that good because Lany was creating a yandere uniform for that day. She knew that no matter who she met there. There would only be one senpai. That was Alice.
     The day was comming to an end. Lany had not had made the best outfit, but it was good for the amount of time she had. She gathered tons of accessories for her costume. She was extremely disappointed because she didn't get to see Alice that day. But maybe, just only, would she  be able to use it good.
     Lany huffed and puffed, she was tired. "Lany! Go to bed. Remember we go somewhere tomarrow," bitched her mom. Lany accepted her fate and went to bed. This night was just like the last where Lany couldn't sleep because of her thoughts about Alice.

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