A Vulcan Love Story (Star Trek 'Spock' Fanfic)

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I stood in a corner going over some notes. I looked up when I heard someone talking. 

"You're a complete outcast. A traitor, just like your father. Anyone can see the emotions in your human eyes." 

I sighed. Other Vulcans were making fun of Spock again. 

"I'm smarter than you, and will not show you what you want to see." Spock said to him and stepped around him to walk off. 

"Don't just walk away! That's the emotions coming out. You won't face your accuser." He mocked. 

Spock kept his back turned, "No, I'm just showing you that I'm the bigger person. I won't allow you to manipulate me." 

I stood there and watched. Spock was strong both physically and mentally. He wouldn't allow anyone to make his emotions show. He hid them extremely well. 

"Your father is a disgusting outcast. A traitor. I bet you cried when your mother died." He was really taunting him now, but Spock didn't flinch. 

I held my notes at my side now and watched. 

"I'm talking to you!" He grabbed hold of Spock's shoulder and pulled him back. Then swung a punch at him. 

Spock caught the punch with his hand. "Don't hit me. That's not the logical thing to do." He twisted his arm. "Savok, leave." 

"No." Savok said and tried to kick Spock's legs out and twist his arm as well. 

Spock reacted first. He knocked Savok to the ground and kicked him in the gut before walking away. 

As he walked past I followed him. 


He turned around to look at me. "Yes, T'Lar?" 

"Ignore him." I kept a straight face and tried to show no emotion. I'm Vulcan as well, with a little twist, I have a tad of human in me. My mother went on a mission once and slept with a human male. I was conceived and then born. No one but my mother knows that I am part human because I have learned to hide my emotions. 

Spock continued to walk and I followed him. 

"I don't let it get to me. I'm very good with not feeling anymore. I practiced and have taught myself. I just didn't want to deal with him. I have stuff to do." He walked into a room and I followed him, right on his heels. 

"Can I ask you something quick?" 

"Sure. What is it?" 

"I'm having some trouble understanding this equation." I held out the note pad for him to see. 

"Okay. This is fairly simple." He started to explain it to me and I listened and absorbed. But at the same time I was admiring him. 

He was cute and smart. Much like my full Vulcan brother was. I lost him in a mission. I only shed tears and showed emotion in private. But I couldn't help it now. I let a tear or two escape. He looked up at me just in time to see them roll down my cheek. 

"Why are you crying? You're supposed to be a Vulcan. Are you just pretending?" 

I shook my head. "I am Vulcan but my father was actually a human. I'm like you, but I have learned to not feel or show any feelings at all." 

He put his arm around me and pulled me to him. "It's okay." 

I leaned into him and realized he was showing some emotion as well. I wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"So what's wrong?" 

"It's just that if my brother was here he could be helping me with this. He was always there for me and no, he didn't know about me being part human." I tried to hold back another tear. 

He hugged me closer and rubbed my arm. "But I'm here and I'll help you. Ask whatever you want, whenever you want. I can understand you unlike anyone else." 

I snuggled my head into his shoulder. "Thank you." I tilted my head up and gave him a kiss. 

He kissed me back. First it was gentle, but with each one it got harder and hotter. He pulled me up onto his lap and pulled my hair from my face and into my back. He kissed my neck and bare shoulders. 

I ran my fingers in his hair and bent my head down to kiss his neck as well. 

His hands worked his way up my shirt. They unhooked my bra and pulled the straps down, then my shirt over my head. 

I pulled his shirt over his head then too and ran my hands from his shoulders, down his stomach and worked on his pants. 

He was doing the same with my skirt. Before I knew it he had me laying on the bed with nothing on. I stared up and him to see he didn't either. 

He leaned down, pressing his body to mine. I felt him slip in and I tilted my head back and arched my back with a moan. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yes." I said it with another moan as he slid in and out. 

He leaned down and kissed me, this time wrapping his tounge around mine. He pulled back and kissed the points of my Vulcan ears. 

I pulled his head down to me and kissed his as well, then ran the tip of my tounge around them, and gently bit the top points. He let out what sounded like a low moan. I knew I was doing something right for him. 

He kissed my neck then ran a hand down to my leg. He held it up a bit so he could get in farther, and he did. 

I felt him, every inch of him. I started to get sweaty and my heart rate was escalating. It was almost time. I put ny arms around his neck and pulled him to me. I wanted to kiss him when the time came. And I pulled him down just in time. I locked ny lips on his and didn't let go. Our breath mixed as we tried to gasp, hut all we did was breathe into eachother and I let out a loud moan into his mouth. When I felt we were finished, I let him go and we caught our breath. He pulled out and laid on his back breathing heavy, sweat glistening on his chest. 

I rolled on my side and kissed his chest. His sweat and ny sweat covering my lips. I didn't care. I kissed his neck and then finally his lips. 

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" I asked. 

"It was fine. No one has to know about that but me and you." He took a few more deep breaths before speaking again. "I'll be here for you. Just as your brother was." 

"Thank you so much." I kissed him passionately and curled next to him.

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a one part story. I will NOT be adding any other parts to it. I'm sorry.*

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